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  • Convert DataTable to List In C#6/6/2023 9:00:47 AM. This article shows 3 ways to convert a DataTable to a List in C#.
  • OOPS Concepts And .NET - Part Two - Inheritance, Abstraction And Polymorphism6/6/2023 6:55:48 AM. The following article is the second of a three-part article series that presents definitions and samples for different Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts and its implementation in .NET
  • OOPS Concepts And .NET - Part One - Classes, Objects, And Structures 6/6/2023 6:50:13 AM. The following article kicks off a three-part article series that will present definitions and samples for different Object-Oriented Programming concepts and its implementation in .NET.
  • Encapsulation And Abstraction, Same Or Different?6/2/2023 9:24:44 AM. A lot of developers have varying views on whether or not Encapsulation and abstraction are the same. This article presents a subtle difference between them.
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  • Advantages of OOPs in Kotlin5/26/2023 5:46:58 AM. This article will describe how the OOPs concept is helpful to become a great developer in Kotlin.
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  • Data Types, Operators, Variables, and Control Structures in Kotlin4/20/2023 6:07:09 AM. This article describes the basics of kotlin.
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  • Performance - The Fastest Way To Loop Over An Array In Microsoft .NET1/12/2023 4:51:06 AM. In this article, you will learn about the fastest way to loop over an array in microsoft .NET.