Introduction to Power Shell for SharePoint 2010 Administration

In this article I am giving a small introduction about SharePoint 2010 Power shell. 

It is a new Command line tool even though it is not a replacement to traditional command line tool it is more powerful than STSADM tool. It can be considered as new SharePoint 2010 management console for SharePoint 2010 Administrators. It uses short commands called  "cmdlets". There are hundreds of cmdlets and administrators can combine these with variables to create powerful scripts for different administrative operations in SharePoint 2010

1. Normally first thing would be how to start Power Shell. It is simple Go to start expand the menu Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products then click on the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell

2. Please find the screenshot below for the same

3. You will get a Power shell command prompt like below

4. First thing we have to learn how to get help from Power Shell command. Next I am coming to that. For help you can use Get  -Help

5. Please find below an example Get –Help Get –SPWeb. This will return the help for SPWeb.As shown this is used to return all Subsites  that match given criteria


6. Now we get some idea about this command. Suppose we need some examples for using this command .This can also be done using power shell

7. The command is Get-Help Get-SPWeb-Examples


8. Suppose we need to find out the list of all the "Service"related cmdlets in the SharePoint installation use the below command

Get-Command -noun "SPService*" | Sort Noun
