Document ID Service feature in SharePoint 2010: Part 2

In this article we will be seeing how to assign the Document ID's and how to create Find by Document ID web part.

Document ID Service feature:

See the following link  to activate the Document ID Service feature and how to use it.

Assign Document ID's:

  1. Go to Site Actions => Site Settings => Site Collection Administration => Document ID Settings.

  2. Give some meaningful characters that your Document ID's should begin with.

  3. By assigning the Document ID's in site collection level will be very useful when you have multiple site collections.
  4. It will be easy to identify the documents based on the Document ID to which site collection it belongs if you assign the document ID's with meaningful characters.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Add an item in the Shared documents. Once you have added an item view the item, you could see the document id.


By using a static URL or a permalink you can open the document directly with the document id.

Static URL: http://<sitecollectionurl>/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID= CUSTOMDOCID-1-1

Find by Document ID webpart:

  1. Go to Site Actions => Edit Page.
  2. In the ribbon interface go to Editing Tools => Insert =>Web Part.

  3. Select Search from the categories.
  4. Choose Find by Document ID and click Add.
  5. Find by Document ID web part will be created.
  6. Enter the document ID; it will open the document directly.
