Media Element In WPF


In this article, we will see how to use Media Element in WPF and we will explore some of the basic functionalities such as Play, Pause, Stop, Back and Forward.

Creating WPF Application Project

Fire up Visual Studio 2008 and Create a WPF Application and name the project as MediaSampleWPF.

Creating WPF Application Project

Now, we will first design the application so that all the functionalities will be clear to us. Add a Media Element, and several Buttons for the functions to be achieved.

The following figure is the simple design of the application.

Creating WPF Application Project

XAML Reference

Creating WPF Application Project

Now, to start with, in the beginning of the application, all the Buttons except Open should not be enabled. So let's do that.

Creating WPF Application Project

Now, we will achieve the functionalities one by one.

Open Media

Add a reference to the System.Windows.Forms DLL to use the OpenFileDialog.

Creating WPF Application Project

Add the below code in the respective Button Click event.

Creating WPF Application Project

Play and Pause Function

Add the below code in Play Button Click event to achieve the Play and Pause functions.

Creating WPF Application Project

Stop Function

Add the below code in Stop Button Click event.

Creating WPF Application Project

Move Back and Forward Function

Add the below code in respective Back and Forward Button Click events to achieve Back and Forward.

Creating WPF Application Project

That's it -- run the application. As we mentioned in the code for opening only WMV files, you can open only WMV files.

You can add other extensions like AVI, MPG, and MPEG to the Open function.

Creating WPF Application Project

Creating WPF Application Project

Hope you guys like this article. It's for the beginner level.