Silverlight 4 LINQ to SQL Classes in VS 2010

Accessing data in Silverlight is not direct, as it is a client application we have to use the service to provide data and interact with database.

LINQ to SQL is an ORM (stands for Object Relational Mapper/Mapping), which provides a data access layer for the application.

LINQ to SQL classes that are mapped to database tables and views are called entity classes. The entity class maps to a record, whereas the individual properties of an entity class map to the individual columns that make up a record. Create entity classes that are based on database tables or views by dragging tables or views from Server Explorer/Database Explorer onto the Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer).

The O/R Designer generates the classes and applies the specific LINQ to SQL attributes to enable LINQ to SQL functionality (the data communication and editing capabilities of the DataContext). Reference: MSDN

The following example will combine the following skills:

  • Using LINQ to query and retrieve data that our Silverlight Application can use

  • Connecting to a WCF Web Service.

  • Using DataGrid control to display data.

To start, create a Silverlight 4 Application in Visual Studio 2010 .


Figure 1

As you see in the figure above, Silverlight 4 is part of .NET Framework 4.0, Visual Studio 2010 supports multi target support such as you can build Silverlight 3 applications in Visual Studio 2010.


Figure 2

After creating the Silverlight Application in .NET Framework 4 you will find a dialog asking for Silverlight Project details.


Figure 3

As you see in the figure above, the project template automatically creates a sample ASP.NET Web Application Project with the default name in the format <SolutionName> Web.

In the Silverlight Version dropdown we have two options such as Silverlight 4.0 and Silverlight 3.0.

You would see a checkbox field saying "Enable .NET RIA Services", this will enable RIA Services features in the Silverlight project. But now we will not select this. As we have a section following completely for RIA Services.

The following solution structure is created.


Figure 4

In the above figure, the first project is the Silverlight 4 project and the second project is the ASP.NET Web project.
By default it creates two pages such as one .aspx page and one .html page to host the Silverlight plugin. ClientBin folder is created to keep the XAP file inside it.

Now let's add a LINQ to SQL file into Web project.


Figure 5

In the New Item dialog box select the Data and from the templates available select LINQ to SQL classes. Give a name for your file (<Filename>.dbml) and then add it to the Web project.

After creating the LINQ to SQL Data Classes you will see the designer opened for you, initially it would be blank as we have not added any connection.


Figure 6

As you see in the above figure above, the designer is empty, ; click on Server Explorer to connect to a Database in SQL Server.


Figure 7

As you see in the figure above, we have no data connections available, let's add one. Right click on Data Connections and select Add Connection from the displayed menu.


Figure 8

After you select Add Connection, the following "Add Connection" dialog box will open. Initially all the fields are empty.


Figure 9

Let's add the Server name (<SystemName>\SQLEXPRESS), and click on Refresh. This will refresh the Database list based on the Server name provided.


Figure 10


Figure 11

Select your database from the dropdown "Select or enter a database name:", now we can test the connection by clicking the "Test Connection" button. Press OK to add the connection and proceed further.


Figure 12

After adding the connection to the project, you can explore the database. Such as Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, etc… The Web.config file now has the information about the connection string.

add name="EmployeeDBConnectionString"

     connectionString="Data Source=B314LTRV\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=EmployeeDB;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>



To Adding a table into LINQ to SQL is very easy, just drag the table and drop on the designer of LINQ to SQL, it will be added.


Figure 13

The preceding figure displays the entity (table) added to LINQ to SQL. As per the information given for the table, it is replicated as it is. Now the good thing is we can change the names by giving some good names.


Figure 14

As you see in the preceding figure, we have changed the default names of the Entity and it's properties. Although we can use the default property without any issues; for better understanding we changed the names.

We have successfully connected to our database, now we need a service that will communicate with the Silverlight client application for the database operations.

Let's add a WCF Service in the Web project.


Figure 15

As you see in the preceding figure, we have selected Silverlight from the Add New Item dialog and then select "Silverlight – enabled WCF Service". Give an appropriate name and click on Add to add the service.

After the service is created it will open the class file (<Servicename>.svc.cs) associated with it. This will change the Web.config file for the information about the service.

After you have added the service you will see the following error message saying "Failed to generate code for the service reference 'ServiceReference1'".


Figure 16

To generate the code automatically we need to configure the Service Reference.


Figure 17

After selecting Configure Service Reference you will see a dialog for Service Reference Settings. Uncheck "Reuse types in referenced assemblies"


Figure 18

Now update the Service Reference and you will see no errors and the ServiceReference.ClientConfig file is successfully auto generated.

behavior name="">
                                  <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
                                  <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/>
binding name="DataAccessSampleLINQ.Web.EmpService3.customBinding0">
serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>
service name="DataAccessSampleLINQ.Web.EmpService3">
                           <endpoint address=""




                           <endpoint address="mex"





Delete the default code inside the class and add some methods as [Operation Contract].

Let's have a method as GetAllEmployees(), which will give us all employee details.

List<Employee> GetAllEmployees()
EmployeeDataClassesDataContext context = new EmployeeDataClassesDataContext();

var result = from emp in context.Employees
                         select emp;

return result.ToList();


As you see in the preceding listing, we have a method GetEmployees(), which returns a List of type Employee (As we created the Employee entity in LINQ to SQL).

We have used the EmployeeDataClassesDataContex as the data context to create a new instance of the LINQ to SQL data classes.

By using LINQ query we can query entity or entities.

Now we will add the service reference to the Silverlight project. Right click on the Reference and select Add Service Reference from the Context menu displayed.


Figure 19

It will pop up a dialog box for "Add Service Reference". Click on Discover to identify running services.


Figure 20

As you see in preceding figure, we have discovered the Service and given a Namespace to it, ; we will keep the default name here.

Figure 21

As soon as you add the service reference a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file will be generated. See the figure above.

The ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file is an XML formatted file that contains the information and settings for the ServiceReference to be used at client side.

binding name="CustomBinding_EmployeeService">
                    <binaryMessageEncoding />


maxBufferSize="2147483647" />




bindingConfiguration="CustomBinding_EmployeeService " contract="ServiceReference1.EmployeeService

              name="CustomBinding_EmployeeService " />


Now we will add a DataGrid to the Silverlight page to display data. Drag and drop DataGrid from the Toolbox to the design surface.

<data:DataGrid x:Name="dgEmployee"




 Width="400" />


In above listing above we have a DataGrid with the above properties.

Let's use the ServiceReference to get the Employee details.

EmployeeServiceClient service = new EmployeeServiceClient();

Now we will add the Completed event handler, where we will bind the service returned object to DataGrid.


Figure 22

To perform asynchronously we have to use the method.

EmployeeServiceClient service = new EmployeeServiceClient();
service.GetAllEmployeesCompleted += new EventHandler<GetAllEmployeesCompletedEventArgs>(service_GetAllEmployeesCompleted);


In the event handler we will bind the Result to DataGrid.

void service_GetAllEmployeesCompleted(object sender, GetAllEmployeesCompletedEventArgs e)

dgEmployee.ItemsSource = e.Result;


Now if we run the application we will see the data returned from the service bound to the DataGrid.


Figure 23

As you see in the figure above, the columns are not structured; rather it took the columns in alphabetic order. To display it according to our choice we need to customize the DataGrid Columns.

<data:DataGrid x:Name="dgEmployee"
                    Binding="{Binding ID
                    Header="First Name"
                    Binding="{Binding FirstName
                    Header="Last Name"
                    Binding="{Binding LastName
                    Header="Email ID"
                    Binding="{Binding EmailID}"
                    Binding="{Binding Contact


Now the DataGrid Columns are set to static columns by setting AutoGenerateColumns as False. Let's run the application and we will see the proper output as follows:


Figure 24


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