Chapter 6: Memory Corruption Part II - Heaps

Posted by Addison Wesley Free Book | C# Language November 16, 2009
This chapter discusses a myriad of stability issues that can surface in an application when the heap is used in a nonconventional fashion. Although the stack and the heap are managed very differently in Windows, the process by which we analyze stack- and heap-related problems is the same.

Back End Allocator

If the front end allocator is unable to satisfy an allocation request, the request makes its way to the back end allocator. Similar to the front end allocator, it contains a table of lists commonly referred to as the free lists. The free list's sole responsibility is to keep track of all the free heap blocks available in a particular heap. There are 128 free lists, where each list contains free heap blocks of a specific size. As you can see from Figure 6.2, the size associated with free list[2] is 16, free list[3] is 24, and so on. Free list[1] is unused because the minimum heap block size is 16 (8 bytes of metadata and 8 user-accessible bytes). Each size associated with a free list increases by 8 bytes from the prior free list. Allocations whose size is greater than the maximum free list's allocation size go into index 0 of the free lists. Free list[0] essentially contains allocations of sizes greater than 1016 bytes and less than the virtual allocation limit (discussed later). The free heap blocks in free list[0] are also sorted by size (in ascending order) to achieve maximum efficiency. Figure 6.4 shows a hypothetical example of a free list.

Figure 6.4 Hypothetical state of the free lists

If an allocation request of size 8 arrives at the back end allocator, the heap manager first consults the free lists. In order to maximize efficiency when looking for free heap blocks, the heap manager keeps a free list bitmap. The bitmap consists of 128 bits, where each bit represents an index into the free list table. If the bit is set, the free list corresponding to the index of the free list bitmap contains free heap blocks. Conversely, if the bit is not set, the free list at that index is empty. Figure 6.5 shows the free list bitmap for the free lists in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.5 Free list bitmap

The heap manager maps an allocation request of a given size to a free list bitmap index by adding 8 bytes to the size (metadata) and dividing by 8. Consider an allocation request of size 8 bytes. The heap manager knows that the free list bitmap index is 2 [(8+8)/8]. From Figure 6.5, we can see that index 2 of the free list bitmap is set, which indicates that the free list located at index 2 in the free lists table contains free heap blocks. The free block is then removed from the free list and returned to the caller. If the removal of a free heap block results in that free list becoming empty, the heap manager also clears the free list bitmap at the specific index. If the heap manager is unable to find a free heap block of requested size, it employs a technique known as block splitting. Block splitting refers to the heap manager's capability to take a larger than requested free heap block and split it in half to satisfy a smaller allocation request. For example, if an allocation request arrives for a block of size 8 (total block size of 16), the free list bitmap is consulted first. The index representing blocks of size 16 indicates that no free blocks are available. Next, the heap manager finds that free blocks of size 32 are available. The heap manager now removes a block of size 32 and splits it in half, which yields two blocks of size 16 each. One of the blocks is put into a free list representing blocks of size 16, and the other block is returned to the caller. Additionally, the free list bitmap is updated to indicate that index 2 now contains free block entries of size 16. The result of splitting a larger free allocation into two smaller allocations is shown in Figure 6.6.

As mentioned earlier, the free list at index 0 can contain free heap blocks of sizes ranging from 1016 up to 0x7FFF0 (524272) bytes. To maximize free block lookup efficiency, the heap manager stores the free blocks in sorted order (ascending). All allocations of sizes greater than 0x7FFF0 go on what is known as the virtual allocation list. When a large allocation occurs, the heap manager makes an explicit allocation request from the virtual memory manager and keeps these allocations on the virtual allocation list.

Figure 6.6 Splitting free blocks

So far, the discussion has revolved around how the heap manager organizes blocks of memory it has at its disposal. One question remains unanswered: Where does the heap manager get the memory from? Fundamentally, the heap manager uses the Windows virtual memory manager to allocate memory in large chunks. The memory is then massaged into different sized blocks to accommodate the allocation requests of the application. When the virtual memory chunks are exhausted, the heap manager allocates yet another large chunk of virtual memory, and the process continues. The chunks that the heap manager requests from the virtual memory manager are known as heap segments. When a heap segment is first created, the underlying virtual memory is mostly reserved, with only a small portion being committed. Whenever the heap manager runs out of committed space in the heap segment, it explicitly commits more memory and divides the newly committed space into blocks as more and more allocations are requested. Figure 6.7 illustrates the basic layout of a heap segment.

Figure 6.7 Basic layout of a heap segment

The segment illustrated in Figure 6.7 contains two allocations (and associated metadata) followed by a range of uncommitted memory. If another allocation request arrives, and no available free block is present in the free lists, the heap manager would commit additional memory from the uncommitted range, create a new heap block within the committed memory range, and return the block to the user. Once a segment runs out of uncommitted space, the heap manager creates a new segment. The size of the new segment is determined by doubling the size of the previous segment. If memory is scarce and cannot accommodate the new segment, the heap manager tries to reduce the size by half. If that fails, the size is halved again until it either succeeds or reaches a minimum segment size threshold-in which case, an error is returned to the caller. The maximum number of segments that can be active within a heap is 64. Once the new segment is created, the heap manager adds it to a list that keeps track of all segments being used in the heap. Does the heap manager ever free memory associated with a segment? The answer is that the heap manager decommits memory on a per-needed basis, but it never releases it. (That is, the memory stays reserved.)

As Figure 6.7 depicts, each heap block in a given segment has metadata associated with it. The metadata is used by the heap manager to effectively manage the heap blocks within a segment. The content of the metadata is dependent on the status of the heap block. For example, if the heap block is used by the application, the status of the block is considered busy. Conversely, if the heap block is not in use (that is, has been freed by the application), the status of the block is considered free. Figure 6.8 shows how the metadata is structured in both situations.


Figure 6.8 Structure of pre- and post-allocation metadata

It is important to note that a heap block might be considered busy in the eyes of the back end allocator but still not being used by the application. The reason behind this is that any heap blocks that go on the front end allocator's look aside list still have their status set as busy.

The two size fields represent the size of the current block and the size of the previous block (metadata inclusive). Given a pointer to a heap block, you can very easily use the two size fields to walk the heap segment forward and backward. Additionally, for free blocks, having the block size as part of the metadata enables the heap manager to very quickly index the correct free list to add the block to. The post-allocation metadata is optional and is typically used by the debug heap for additional bookkeeping information (see "Attaching Versus Running" under the debugger sidebar). The flags field indicates the status of the heap block. The most important values of the flags field are shown in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Possible Block Status as Indicated by the Heap Flag

Value Description
0x01 Indicates that the allocation is being used by the application or the heap manager
0x04 Indicates whether the heap block has a fill pattern associated with it
0x08 Indicates that the heap block was allocated directly from the virtual memory
0x10 Indicates that this is the last heap block prior to an uncommitted range

You have already seen what happens when a heap block transitions from being busy to free. However, one more technique that the heap manager employs needs to be discussed. The technique is referred to as heap coalescing. Fundamentally, heap coalescing is a mechanism that merges adjacent free blocks into one single large block to avoid memory fragmentation problems. Figure 6.9 illustrates how a heap coalesce functions.

Figure 6.9 Example of heap coalescing

When the heap manager is requested to free the heap block of size 32, it first checks to see if any adjacent blocks are also free. In Figure 6.9, two blocks of size 16 surround the block being freed. Rather than handing the block of size 32 to the free lists, the heap manager merges all three blocks into one (of size 64) and updates the free lists to indicate that a new block of size 64 is now available. Care is also taken by the heap manager to remove the prior two blocks (of size 16) from the free lists since they are no longer available. It should go without saying that the act of coalescing free blocks is an expensive operation. So why does the heap manager even bother? The primary reason behind coalescing heap blocks is to avoid what is known as heap fragmentation. Imagine that your application just had a burst of allocations all with a very small size (16 bytes). Furthermore, let's say that there were enough of these small allocations to fill up an entire segment. After the allocation burst is completed, the application frees all the allocations. The net result is that you have one heap segment full of available allocations of size 16 bytes. Next, your application attempts to allocate a block of memory of size 48 bytes. The heap manager now tries to satisfy the allocation request from the segment, fails because the free block sizes are too small, and is forced to create a new heap segment. Needless to say, this is extremely poor use of memory. Even though we had an entire segment of free memory, the heap manager was forced to create a new segment to satisfy our slightly larger allocation request. Heap coalescing makes a best attempt at ensuring that situations such as this are kept at a minimum by combining small free blocks into larger blocks.

This concludes our discussion of the internal workings of the heap manager.

Before we move on and take a practical look the heap, let's summarize what you have learned.

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