Chapter 10: Processes, AppDomains,Contexts, and Threads

Posted by Apress Free Book | C#.NET February 02, 2009
In this Chapter you drill deeper into the constitution of a .NET executable host and come to understand the relationship between Win32 processes, application domains, contexts, and threads.


The point of this chapter was to expose the internal composition of a .NET executable image. As you have seen, the long-standing notion of a Win32 process has been altered under the hood to accommodate the needs of the CLR. A single process (which can be programmatically manipulated via the System.Diagnostics.Process type) is now composed on multiple application domains, which represent isolated and independent boundaries within a process. As you recall, a single process can host multiple application domains, each of which is capable of hosting and executing any number of related assemblies. Furthermore, a single application domain can contain any number of contextual boundaries. Using this additional level of type isolation, the CLR can ensure that special-need objects are handled correctly.

The remainder of this chapter examined the role of the System.Threading namespace. As you have seen, when an application creates additional threads of execution, the result is that the program in question is able to carry out numerous tasks at (what appears to be) the same time. Finally, the chapter examined various manners in which you can mark thread-sensitive blocks of code to ensure that shared resources do not become unusable units of bogus data.

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