Chapter 11: An introduction to LINQ

Posted by Murach Free Book | LINQ August 13, 2009
In this chapter, you’ll learn the basic concepts and skills for using a new feature of C# 2008 called LINQ. To illustrate these concepts and skills, I’ll use an implementation of LINQ called LINQ to Objects. You use LINQ to Objects to work with in-memory data structures such as generic lists and arrays.

A Vendor Balances application that uses LINQ

The next three topics of this chapter present a simple application that uses a LINQ query to display vendor and invoice information on a form. This will help you see how you can use a query from within a C# application.

The user interface for the application

Figure 11-14 shows the user interface for the Vendor Balances application. As you can see, this interface consists of a single form that lists the balance due for each vendor that has a balance due. This list is sorted by balance due in descending sequence.

The list in this form is displayed in a ListView control. If you aren't familiar with this control, you may want to refer to Visual Studio help to find out how it works. For the purposes of this application, though, you just need to set the View property of this control to Details, and you need to define the column headings as described in this figure. In addition, you need to know how to load data into the control as shown in the next figure.

The classes used by the application

Figure 11-15 also summarizes the classes used by this application. As you can see, the Invoice class represents a single invoice in the Invoices table, and the Vendor class represents a single vendor in the Vendors table. Then, the InvoiceDB class contains a single method named GetInvoices that retrieves all the invoices from the Invoices table and returns them as a List<Invoice> object. Similarly, the VendorDB class contains a single method named GetVendors that retrieves all the vendors from the Vendors table and returns them as a List<Vendor> object. Finally, the PayablesDB class contains a method named GetConnection that returns a connection to the Payables database.

All of these classes are stored in a class library named PayablesData. Because you saw classes like these in the previous section of this book, I won't show you the code for these classes here. Instead, I'll just present the code for the form so you can see the query that's used by this application.

The Vendor Balances form

Classes used by the application

Class Description
Invoice Defines one property for each column in the Invoices table, along with a property named BalanceDue that represents the unpaid amount of the invoice.
Vendor Defines one property for each column in the Vendors table.
InvoiceDB Defines a single method named GetInvoices that retrieves all the columns and rows from the Invoices table and stores them in a List<Invoice> object.
VendorDB Defines a single method named GetVendors that retrieves all the columns and rows from the Vendors table and stores them in a List<Vendor> object.
PayablesDB Defines a single method named GetConnection that's used by the GetInvoices and GetVendors methods to get a connection to the Payables database.


  • The Vendor Balances form uses a ListView control to display a list of the balance due for each vendor with unpaid invoices. The list is sorted by balance due in descending sequence.
  • To make this work, the View property of the ListView control is set to Details, which causes the data items to be displayed in columns. In addition, the column headers for the control were added using the ColumnHeader Collection Editor. To display this editor, you can select Edit Columns from the smart tag menu for the control. Then, you can set the Text, TextAlign, and Width properties for each column as necessary.
  • The Vendor Balances application uses a class library named PayablesData that contains the classes listed above.

Figure 11-14 A Vendor Balances application that uses LINQ

The code for the form

Figure 11-15 shows the code for the Vendor Balances form. All of this code is placed within the Load event handler for the form so the list is displayed when the form is loaded. To start, this code declares the variables that will store the lists of vendors and invoices. Then, it uses the methods of the InvoiceDB and VendorDB classes to load data into these lists. The next statement defines the query expression. Because this expression is similar to others you've seen in this chapter, you shouldn't have any trouble understanding how it works. So I'll just summarize it for you.

First, notice that the query expression joins data from the invoice and vendor lists. That's necessary because the vendor name will be displayed on the form along with the balance due. Second, notice that the invoices are grouped by vendor using the Name property of each vendor. Then, within the where clause, the Sum method is used to calculate the balance due for each vendor so the elements that are returned are restricted to vendors who have a balance. The Sum method is also used in the orderby clause to sort the list by the balance due so that the largest balances are displayed first. And it's used in the select clause to include the balance due in the query results along with the vendor name.

To load data into the ListView control, this code uses a foreach statement that loops through the query results. But first, this code checks that at least one element was returned by the query. If not, it displays a message indicating that all invoices are paid in full. Otherwise, it declares a variable named i that will be used as an index for the items that are added to the ListView control.

For each element in the query results, the foreach loop starts by adding the Name property to the Items collection of the ListView control. That causes the name to be displayed in the first column of the control. Then, the next statement adds the Due property as a subitem of the item that was just added. That causes this value to be displayed in the column following the vendor name column. Notice that this statement refers to the item by its index. Then, the last statement in the loop increments the index variable.

The code for the Vendor Balances form

public partial class Form1 : Form


    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        List<Invoice> invoiceList = null;

        List<Vendor> vendorList = null;



            invoiceList = InvoiceDB.GetInvoices();

            vendorList = VendorDB.GetVendors();

            var vendorsDue =

            from invoice in invoiceList

            join vendor in vendorList

            on invoice.VendorID equals vendor.VendorID

            group invoice by vendor.Name into invoiceGroup

            where invoiceGroup.Sum(i => i.BalanceDue) > 0

            orderby invoiceGroup.Sum(i => i.BalanceDue)


            select new


                Name = invoiceGroup.Key,

                Due = invoiceGroup.Sum(i => i.BalanceDue)


            if (vendorsDue.Count() > 0)


                int i = 0;

                foreach (var vendor in vendorsDue)





                    i += 1;





                MessageBox.Show("All invoices are paid in full.",

                "No Balances Due");




        catch (Exception ex)


            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());






  • The LINQ query used by this application joins data from the Vendors and Invoices tables, groups the data by vendor, and calculates the balance due for each vendor. Only vendors with a balance due greater than zero are included in the query results.

Figure 11-15 The code for the Vendor Balances form

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