Determine User OneDrive Folders Without The Microsoft.OneDriveSDK

Recently while working on my dotNetTips.Utility Dev App, I realized I was determining the location of the user's OneDrive folder wrong, especially if they have more than one OneDrive account, like myself. I didn't want to go through the hassle of learning the Microsoft.OneDriveSDK, nor did I want to use an entire SDK just to figure this out.

Recently while looking at the Windows Registration Database, I noticed that OneDrive stores this information there. After figuring out the differences between in the info stored for personal and business accounts, I came up with a method to retrieve this info for me. Here is what it looks like.

  1. /// <summary>  
  2. /// Loads the one drive folders.  
  3. /// </summary>  
  4. /// <returns>IEnumerable<OneDriveFolder>.</returns>  
  5. public static IEnumerable < OneDriveFolder > LoadOneDriveFolders() {  
  6.     const string DisplayNameKey = "DisplayName";  
  7.     const string UserFolderKey = "UserFolder";  
  8.     const string AccountsKey = "Accounts";  
  9.     const string EmailKey = "UserEmail";  
  10.     var folders = new List < OneDriveFolder > ();  
  11.     var oneDriveKey = RegistryHelper.GetCurrentUserRegistryKey(RegistryHelper.KeyCurrentUserOneDrive);  
  12.     if (oneDriveKey.IsNotNull()) {  
  13.         //Get Accounts  
  14.         var accountKey = oneDriveKey.GetSubKey(AccountsKey);  
  15.         if (accountKey.IsNotNull() && accountKey.SubKeyCount > 0) {  
  16.             foreach(var subKeyName in accountKey.GetSubKeyNames()) {  
  17.                 var key = accountKey.GetSubKey(subKeyName);  
  18.                 var folder = new OneDriveFolder();  
  19.                 var directoryValue = key.GetValue < string > (UserFolderKey);  
  20.                 if (directoryValue.HasValue()) {  
  21.                     folder.DirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directoryValue);  
  22.                     var emailValue = key.GetValue < string > (EmailKey);  
  23.                     if (emailValue.HasValue()) {  
  24.                         folder.UserEmail = emailValue;  
  25.                     }  
  26.                     //Figure out account type   
  27.                     var name = key.GetValue < string > (DisplayNameKey);  
  28.                     if (name.HasValue()) {  
  29.                         folder.AccountType = OneDriveAccountType.Business;  
  30.                         folder.AccountName = name;  
  31.                     } else {  
  32.                         folder.AccountName = key.GetValue < string > (string.Empty);  
  33.                     }  
  34.                     if (folder.AccountName.HasValue() && folder.UserEmail.HasValue()) {  
  35.                         folders.Add(folder);  
  36.                     }  
  37.                 }  
  38.             }  
  39.         }  
  40.     }  
  41.     return folders.AsEnumerable();  
  42. }  

I wrote this method in .NET Standard, so I had to install the Microsoft.Win32.Registry NuGet package first. Also, you might see some methods that you might not recognize. They are all from my open-source library, that includes the full code for this method, dotNetTips.Utility.Standard on GitHub and also available via a NuGet package.

With this code my app now properly chooses the user's OneDrive folder, where it favors the first business account it finds.

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