How to Implement ToolBar in WPF using F#

Toolbar is a way by which we can do our work without navigating the Menu System. This is the reason behind that every window application should have at least one Toolbar. A Toolbar can have Components and Button which used as command to the user. Generally you can say if a program contains menu than it is also containing a Toolbar. Toolbar components are like shortcuts for menu items. A Toolbar can contain various types of control.

Here we are discussing an example in which we are implementing Toolbar with New, Save, Open, Cut, Copy, Print and Delete icons. Firstly we will take all the icon images and save them in a folder named icons. Then we will bind a command for Toolbar creation, which can be created by below code.

// This will use for Bindind the cmd outside toolbar creation
let shw (msg:string) (label:string) = MessageBox.Show(msg,label) |>ignore       
comd |> Seq.iter (fun cmd ->
   new CommandBinding(cmd,(fun _ _  ->
      shw (cmd.Name + " command not yet implemented") wndw.Title))
      |> wndw.CommandBindings.Add |>ignore)

Then we will create a Toolbar given the Command and img file. This can be done by below code.

// Creating toolbar given the cmd and img file
let adTlbrBtns list =
   list |> Seq.iter (fun (cmd:RoutedUICommand,imgFile) ->
      let img = new Image(Stretch=Stretch.None)
      img.Source <- new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"file:///icons/" + imgFile))
      let tp = new ToolTip(Content=cmd.Text)
      let butn = new Button(Command=cmd,Content=img,ToolTip=tp)
      tlbr.Items.Add(butn) |>ignore)      

When we will create the command then we will give code for creating the separator for every nth element.

// Creating separator at the every nth element
let rec adTlbrBtnWthSprtr list n=
   if (Seq.length list) > n then
      adTlbrBtns (Seq.take n list)
      tlbr.Items.Add(new Separator()) |>ignore
      adTlbrBtnWthSprtr (drpsec n list) n
      adTlbrBtns list

And Lastly we create the Toolbar with separators

// Creating the toolbar with separators
let lst = comd img
adTlbrBtnWthSprtr lst 4

Steps for Implementation of Toolbar

Step 1: Firstly open a new project in F# using Visual Studio 2010. Select F# WPF application template and give name to the project like below image.

New Project Toolbar

Step 2: Now add the below define references in the project by right clicking on project in solution explorer.

  • PresentationCore

  • PresentationFrameWork

  • WindowsBase

  • System

Step 3: Then add a new folder by right clicking on solution in solution explorer and give name icons to it.

Step 4: Now add all the icon images in the icons folder and copy this folder inside your program name folder, where you will save the program.

Step 5: When you will add all the references and images your solution Explorer will look like below.

Solution Explorer

Step 6: Now click on Program.fs file and write below code in Program.fs window. Your window will look like below Image.
ToolBar Example code Part1

ToolBar Example code Part1.1

open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Media.Imaging
let rec drpsec i (list:seq<'a>) =
   if i<=0 then list
      match (List.ofSeq list) with
      | _ :: [] -> seq []
      | _ :: t -> drpsec (i-1) (List.toSeq t)
      | _ -> failwith "Error in seqdrop - never should get here"
let fdck = new DockPanel(LastChildFill=false)
let wndw = new Window(Title="Craft the Toolbar",
let tlbr = new ToolBar()
fdck.Children.Add(tlbr) |>ignore
let comd =
   seq [ApplicationCommands.New;
let img =
   seq ["new.gif"; "open.gif"; "save.gif";
        "print.gif"; "cut.gif"; "copy.gif";
        "paste.gif"; "delete.gif"]  
// This will use for Bindind the cmd outside toolbar creation
let shw (msg:string) (label:string) = MessageBox.Show(msg,label) |>ignore       
comd |> Seq.iter (fun cmd ->
   new CommandBinding(cmd,(fun _ _  ->
      shw (cmd.Name + " command not yet implemented") wndw.Title))
      |> wndw.CommandBindings.Add |>ignore)
// Creating toolbar given the cmd and img file
let adTlbrBtns list =
   list |> Seq.iter (fun (cmd:RoutedUICommand,imgFile) ->
      let img = new Image(Stretch=Stretch.None)
      img.Source <- new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"file:///icons/" + imgFile))
      let tp = new ToolTip(Content=cmd.Text)
      let butn = new Button(Command=cmd,Content=img,ToolTip=tp)
      tlbr.Items.Add(butn) |>ignore)    
// Creating separator at the every nth element
let rec adTlbrBtnWthSprtr list n=
   if (Seq.length list) > n then
      adTlbrBtns (Seq.take n list)
      tlbr.Items.Add(new Separator()) |>ignore
      adTlbrBtnWthSprtr (drpsec n list) n
      adTlbrBtns list
// Creating the toolbar with separators
let lst = comd img
adTlbrBtnWthSprtr lst 4
    let app =  Application() in
    app.Run(wndw) |> ignore

Step 7: Now press F5 to execute the code and your Toolbar is ready.


Toolbar Output1

Toolbar Output2

When you click on New a new messagebox will display like below.

Toolbar Output3

Toolbar Output4


In this article I have discussed that how to create a Toolbar in WPF using F#

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