Display Related Records in PHP

Here we produce two PHP pages, in first (showDetails.php) it contains some data with a show all link. When the user clicks on that link all related data of that link will be displayed in the second page (showdetails1.php).
Table creation
Server: localhost   Database: home_work
 -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
 -- version 2.10.1
 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
 -- Host: localhost
 -- Generation Time: Nov 17, 2011 at 04:25 PM
 -- Server version: 5.0.45
 -- PHP Version: 5.2.5
 -- Database: `home_work`
 -- --------------------------------------------------------
 -- Table structure for table `employee`
 CREATE TABLE `employee` (
   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `empid` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   `empname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   `empaddress` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   `designation` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   `salary` int(11) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
 -- Dumping data for table `employee`
 INSERT INTO `employee` (`id`, `empid`, `empname`, `empaddress`, `designation`, `salary`) VALUES
 (1, 'E001', 'Raj', 'Delhi', 'Clerk', 10000),
 (2, 'E002', 'Harry', 'Mumbai', 'Player', 20000),
 (3, 'E003', 'Sunil', 'Noida', 'Producer', 30000),
 (4, 'E004', 'Pollock', 'Durban', 'Manager', 40000),
 (5, 'E005', 'Jonty', 'Perth', 'Director', 50000),
 (6, 'E006', 'Kallis', 'Oslo', 'Dean', 60000),
 (7, 'E007', 'Imran', 'Dubai', 'Admin', 70000);
 $sql="SELECT * FROM employee ";
 <body bgcolor="Yellow">
 <form name="frmForm" id="frmForm" >
 <table border="1" width="30%" height="30%">
 <th><font color='Red'>EMP ID</font></th>
 <th><font color='Red'>EMP NAME</font></th>
 <th><font color='Red'>SALARY</font></th>
 <th><font color='Red'>SHOW ALL</font></th>
 while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($aResult,MYSQL_ASSOC))
 $id                    = $rows['id'];
 $empid             = $rows['empid'];
 $empname        = $rows['empname'];
 $empaddress    = $rows['empaddress'];
 $designation     = $rows['designation'];
 $salary              = $rows['salary'];
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $empid;?></font></b></td>
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $empname;?></font></b></td>
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $salary;?></font></b></td>
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><a href="showDetails1.php?frm_action=3&cust_id=<?php echo $id;?>" target="_blank">Show
 <?php } ?>
 <?php if($_REQUEST['frm_action'] == 3) { ?>
 <td colspan="2">
 <table  style="border:1px solid #003366;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="100%" bgcolor="#003366">
 <tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF">
 while($row1= mysql_fetch_array($aCustomer,MYSQL_ASSOC))
 <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
 <td><?php echo $empid;?></td>
 <?php } ?>
 <?php } ?>
 $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
 if($_REQUEST['frm_action'] == 3)
 $id          = $_REQUEST['cust_id'];
 $sqlCustomer = "SELECT * FROM employee WHERE id='$id'";
 $aCustomer   = mysql_query($sqlCustomer);
 <body bgcolor="Yellow">
 <form name="frmForm" id="frmForm" >
 <table border="1" width="30%" height="30%">
 <th><font color='Red'>ID</font></th>
 <th><font color='Red'>NAME</font></th>
 <th><font color='Red'>ADDRESS</font></th>
 <th><font color='Red'>DESIGNATION</font></th>
 <th><font color='Red'>SALARY</font></th>
 <?php if($_REQUEST['frm_action'] == 3) { ?>
 while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($aCustomer,MYSQL_ASSOC))
 $empid             = $row1['empid'];
 $empname        = $row1['empname'];
 $empaddress  = $row1['empaddress'];
 $designation = $row1['designation'];
 $salary      = $row1['salary'];
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $empid;?></font></b></td>
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $empname;?></font></b></td>
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $empaddress;?></font></b></td>
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $designation;?></font></b></td>
 <td><b><font color='#663300'><?php echo $salary;?></font></b></td>
 <?php } ?>
 <?php } ?>

Running the application
Run the WampServer then write the below line in the Url
http://localhost/Display Related records/


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