Difference Between Full and Runtime Only Builds in Vue.js

In Vue.js, the difference between full and runtime-only builds lies in the amount of Vue.js compiler included in the final JavaScript bundle.

  1. Full Build: The full build of Vue.js includes both the runtime and the compiler. With the compiler included, Vue.js can compile templates on the fly, which means you can use the template syntax directly in your Vue components. This build is larger in size compared to the runtime-only build because it includes the additional compiler code. The full build is typically used during development when you're writing Vue.js applications using the template syntax.
  2. Runtime-only Build: The runtime-only build of Vue.js excludes the compiler and only includes the runtime. This means that you cannot use the template syntax directly in your Vue components with the runtime-only build. Instead, you have to pre-compile your templates using tools like Vue CLI or vue-loader in Webpack. By excluding the compiler, the runtime-only build results in a smaller bundle size, making it more suitable for production use where reducing file size is crucial.

The difference between the full and runtime-only builds in Vue.js is primarily about the inclusion or exclusion of the compiler. Let's illustrate this with code examples.

// Full build includes both runtime and compiler
import Vue from 'vue';

new Vue({
  template: '<div>{{ message }}</div>',
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello Vue!'

In this example, the template is provided directly in the Vue component's options using the template property. This works because the full build of Vue.js includes the compiler, which is responsible for compiling the template into render functions at runtime.

Runtime-only Build

// Runtime-only build only includes the runtime
import Vue from 'vue';

new Vue({
  render(h) {
    return h('div', this.message);
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello Vue!'

In the runtime-only build, the template property is not available in the component options. Instead, you use the render function to directly return virtual DOM elements. This approach doesn't require the Vue compiler because the template has already been compiled ahead of time (e.g., using Vue CLI or vue-loader in Webpack) into render functions.

  • Full Build: Includes both the Vue.js runtime and compiler. Larger bundle size but allows you to use the template syntax directly in your Vue components during development.
  • Runtime-only Build: Excludes the compiler and only includes the Vue.js runtime. Smaller bundle size but requires pre-compilation of templates before use. Suitable for production use where minimizing bundle size is important.


The choice between full and runtime-only builds depends on the development context and project requirements. The full build offers convenience during development with template compilation on the fly, while the runtime-only build prioritizes bundle size optimization for production deployments.