Elastic Block Store vs Instance Store in AWS

When it comes to choosing storage options, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Elastic Block Store (EBS), and Instance Store stand out as popular choices. This article will delve into the key differences between these 2 storage solutions.

Attachments to EC2 Instances

One fundamental difference lies in how EBS and Instance stores are attached to EC2 instances. EBS is attached as a network drive and offers seamless connectivity, while the instance store is physically attached to the host machine where the EC2 instance is located.

Lifecycle Management

Another crucial aspect is the lifecycle of these storage options. EBS has an independent lifecycle from the associated EC2 instance, providing flexibility in managing storage separately. Conversely, the lifecycle of an Instance store is closely tied to that of the EC2 instance it serves.

Cost Structure

EBS and Instance stores differ in their cost structures. The cost of EBS depends on the provisioned size, allowing users to choose and pay for the storage capacity they need. In Contrast, the size of an instance store is included in the overall cost of the EC2 instances, eliminating the need for additional payments.


EBS offers users the flexibility to increase storage size even when not attached to an EC2 instance. On the other hand, instance stores have fixed sizes, providing a set amount of storage capacity.


EBS, being network-based, has lower I/O speeds compared to instance stores, which can be up to 200X faster. The speed advantage makes instance stores a preferred choice for applications requiring high-performance storage.

Snapshot Support

EBS allows users to take snapshots, facilitating data backup and recovery processes. However, instance stores do not support snapshots, making EBS a more suitable option for scenarios requiring permanent storage and data retention.

Use Cases

EBS is ideal for scenarios requiring permanent storage, such as databases, where flexibility and snapshot support are crucial. In contrast, instance store serves best as temporary storage, suitable for temporary files or cache files due to their temporary nature.

Boot Up Time

EBS is optimized for a quick boot-up time, ensuring minimal delays in getting your EC2 instances up and running. In contrast, the boot-up time for an instance store is comparatively higher.

I hope this comparison provides clarity in the storage selection process. Thank you!

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