Natural Data Formatting using Humanizer (NuGet) in .NET (C#)


As a software developer, it is essential to ensure that the applications we create are easy to use and understand. One effective way of achieving this is by presenting data in a format that is simple and comprehensible to the average user. Fortunately, the Humanizer library makes the task of formatting data in a natural and user-friendly way a lot easier for .NET developers. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which developers can utilize the Humanizer library to format data in a human-readable manner. We will also provide some practical examples in C# to help you understand how to use the library effectively.

What is Humanizer?

Humanizer is a free, open-source .NET library that offers a set of extension methods and utilities to format and manipulate strings, numbers, dates, times, and more in a way that is easy for humans to read and understand. It intends to make your code more user-friendly by eliminating the need for complex formatting logic. With Humanizer, you can easily transform numbers into words, format date and time intervals, pluralize words, and perform many other functions.

Getting Started with Humanizer

Let's dive right in and see how to get started with Humanizer in your .NET (C#) project.

1. Install the Humanizer NuGet Package

The first step is to install the Humanizer NuGet package in your project. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open your Visual Studio project or create a new one.
  2. Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer, and select "Manage NuGet Packages."
  3. In the "Browse" tab, search for "Humanizer" and select it from the list of packages.
  4. Click the "Install" button to add Humanizer to your project.

2. Import the Humanizer Namespace

In your C# code, import the Humanizer namespace at the top of your file to access Humanizer's extension methods:

using Humanizer;

Using Humanizer in Your .NET (C#) Application

Now that you have Humanizer installed and the namespace imported, you can start using its features. Here are some common use cases and examples:

String Formatting

string camelCaseString = "thisIsCamelCase";
string humanizedString = camelCaseString.Humanize(); // "This Is Camel Case"

Pluralization and Singularization

string singular = "apple".ToSingular();   // "apple"
string plural = "apple".ToPlural();       // "apples"

Formatting Numbers with Units

int num = 5;
string formatted = num.ToWords(); // "five"

Date and Time Formatting

DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
string formattedDate = dateTime.Humanize(); // "a moment ago" or "2 hours ago"

Ordinal Numbers

int number = 1;
string ordinal = number.ToOrdinalWords(); // "first"

The Humanizer library can help you achieve a lot of great things. It simplifies the process of making your application's output more user-friendly and easy to read. This is especially useful when working with user interfaces, generating human-readable logs or formatting data for reports. So, if you want to make your app more intuitive and user-friendly, you should definitely give it a try.


Humanizer is a valuable tool for any .NET developer looking to format data in a natural way using C#. With its wide range of features, Humanizer simplifies the process of presenting data in a more user-friendly format, making your applications more approachable. Whether you need to format strings, pluralize words, or make numbers and dates more understandable, Humanizer has got you covered. By incorporating Humanizer into your next project, you can save time and ensure a better user experience for your audience.

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