Related resources for Humanizer
  • Dealing with Date and Time in Humanizer in C#12/1/2023 10:57:45 AM. Learn how to handle date and time in a user-friendly way in C# projects using Humanizer. Covering DateTime and TimeSpan humanization with customization options and real-world use cases for improved us
  • Getting Started with Humanizer in C#11/27/2023 7:59:57 AM. In this article, we'll explore how to install and use Humanizer in C#, unveiling both its basic and advanced capabilities. By the end, you'll be equipped to elevate the user experience in you
  • Natural Data Formatting using Humanizer (NuGet) in .NET (C#) 9/4/2023 4:05:27 AM. Explore Humanizer, a free .NET library simplifies data formatting for developers. Learn to transform data into human-readable formats effortlessly with practical C# examples.
  • Converting A String To Different Cases And Humanizer5/30/2016 10:36:33 AM. In this article, you will learn ways to convert a string to different cases, for example Upper case, Lower case, Title case (capitalize each word), Camel case, Pascal case, Sentence case, Toggle case