What are JavaScript Closures?


JavaScript closures are a powerful and often misunderstood feature that plays a pivotal role in creating flexible and efficient code. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the depths of closures, exploring their characteristics, scope chains, and practical implementations through four illustrative examples.

JavaScript Closures?

A closure is formed when an inner function has access to the variables of its outer function, even after the outer function has completed execution. Closures have three scope chains:

  1. Access to its own scope.
  2. Access to the variables of the outer function.
  3. Access to global variables.

Example 1. Simple Closure

Let's start with a basic example to grasp the essence of closures.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    function fun() {
      var a = 4; // 'a' is the local variable, created by the fun()
      function innerfun() {
        return a;
      return innerfun;
    var output = fun();
    document.write(" ");



In this example, the closure is created by the innerfun function, which has access to the variable a defined in its outer function fun.

Example 2. Parameterized Closure

Now, let's explore a closure with parameterized functions.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    function fun(a) {
      function innerfun(b) {
        return a * b;
      return innerfun;
    var output = fun(4);
    document.write(" ");



In this example, the closure is formed by the innerfun function, which takes parameters from its outer function fun.

Example 3. Closure Within a Loop

Explore closures within a loop scenario.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    function fun() {
      function closure(val) {
        return function() {
          return val;
      var a = [];
      var i;
      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        a[i] = closure(i);
      return a;
    var output = fun();
    document.write(" ");
    document.write(" ");
    document.write(" ");
    document.write(" ");



In this example, the closure is employed within a loop to create an array of functions, each capturing a different value of the variable i.

Example 4. Closure in Practical Scenarios

Now, let's explore closures in practical scenarios, such as creating callbacks.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    function calculate(operation) {
      let baseValue = 10;
      return function(x) {
        return operation(x, baseValue);

    function add(a, b) {
      return a + b;

    function subtract(a, b) {
      return a - b;

    let addFunction = calculate(add);
    let subtractFunction = calculate(subtract);

    document.write(addFunction(5)); // Output: 15
    document.write(" ");
    document.write(subtractFunction(3)); // Output: 7



In this practical example, closures are used to create functions (addFunction and subtractFunction) that carry an embedded operation along with a fixed base value. Through the exploration of closures in this comprehensive guide, we've unraveled their intricacies, shedding light on their characteristics, scope chains, and practical implementations. 

From the foundational understanding presented in the simple closure example to the parameterized closure and closure within a loop illustrations, we've witnessed how closures encapsulate variables, providing access even beyond the lifetime of their parent functions. This foundational concept lays the groundwork for creating modular and reusable code structures. In the practical scenarios demonstrated in the last example, closures emerge as powerful tools for creating callbacks and encapsulating functionality. Whether crafting asynchronous operations or dynamically adjusting base values for operations, closures empower developers to architect solutions that are not only elegant but also highly maintainable.

As you embark on your JavaScript journey, mastering closures opens a door to a nuanced and sophisticated programming paradigm. The ability to wield closures with finesse allows you to design code that is not only functional but also exhibits a level of elegance and efficiency that sets your applications apart. So, embrace closures in your coding endeavors. Let them be your allies in creating code that is not just functional, but a testament to the artistry of programming. With closures, you have in your hands a tool that elevates your JavaScript craftsmanship to new heights.

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