What are Recursive Components in Vue.js?

Recursive components in Vue.js are components that are capable of rendering themselves within their own template. This self-referential behavior allows for the creation of complex hierarchical structures, such as trees or nested lists, where each component can contain instances of itself.

Here's a breakdown of how recursive components work and how to implement them:

How Recursive Components Work

  1. Component Structure: A recursive component is a Vue.js component that includes a reference to itself within its own template.
  2. Render Tree: When the recursive component renders, it creates a tree-like structure where each component instance can potentially contain child instances of the same component type.
  3. Dynamic Nesting: Recursive components allow for dynamic nesting, meaning that the depth of the tree is not fixed. Components can be nested to any depth based on the data or props passed to them.

Implementation Example

Let's consider an example of a recursive component representing a hierarchical tree structure, such as a file system:

    <p>{{ node.name }}</p>
    <ul v-if="node.children">
        v-for="childNode in node.children"

export default {
  name: 'RecursiveComponent',
  props: {
    node: {
      type: Object,
      required: true

In this example:

  • The RecursiveComponent renders a node with its name.
  • If the node has children, it renders a list (<ul>) containing instances of itself (<recursive-component>) for each child node.
  • Each instance of the RecursiveComponent can contain its own children, creating a recursive structure.

Use Cases

  1. Tree Structures: Recursive components are commonly used to represent hierarchical data structures like trees or nested lists, such as file systems, organization charts, or category hierarchies.
  2. Comment Threads: They can be used to build comment threads or nested discussions, where each comment can have replies, and each reply can have further replies.
  3. Menu Systems: Recursive components are suitable for creating dynamic menu systems with nested menus or submenus.


Recursive components in Vue.js enable the creation of dynamic, self-referential structures within Vue.js applications, allowing for the representation of hierarchical data in a flexible and scalable manner.