What are Transitions in CSS 3?


CSS3 transitions provide a powerful way for developers to add dynamic effects to their web pages. They allow developers to smoothly transition between different states of an element on a web page, creating a more engaging and interactive user experience.

A transition in CSS3 is essentially an animation that occurs when a certain property of an element changes. For example, when the background colour of a button changes from blue to red, a transition can be applied to smoothly animate the colour change.

Transitions work by defining the starting and ending states of an element, as well as the duration and timing function of the transition. The starting state is the initial state of the element, while the ending state is the final state that the element will transition to. The duration of the transition determines how long the animation will take to complete, while the timing function specifies how the animation will progress over time.

There are many different properties that can be transitioned, such as colour, opacity, size, position, and more. Developers can also apply multiple transitions to the same element, creating complex animations that respond to user interactions.

CSS3 transitions are a valuable tool for creating engaging and interactive web experiences. They can be used to create hover effects, reveal hidden content, animate menus, and much more. By adding transitions to your web pages, you can enhance the user experience and make your website more visually appealing.

What are CSS3 Transitions?

 CSS3 transitions are a powerful tool that enables developers to create gradual changes to an element's properties over a specified period. These changes can include various attributes like colour, size, position, opacity, and more, making it easier to create visually appealing and dynamic web designs.

How to do CSS3 Transitions Work?

CSS3 transitions work by setting the transition property on an element, which specifies the CSS properties that should be transitioned, how long the transition should take to complete, the timing function used for the transition, and a delay before the transition starts.

The transition-property value specifies which CSS properties should be transitioned. This can include properties like colour, background-color, font-size, and more. By default, all properties that can be transitioned will be transitioned when the transition property is set on an element.

The transition-duration value specifies how long the transition should take to complete. It can be set in seconds or milliseconds, and the duration determines the speed at which the transition progresses. For example, a duration of 1s would make the transition last for one second.

The transition-timing-function value specifies the timing function used for the transition. The timing function controls how the transition progresses over time, such as whether it starts slow and speeds up, or starts fast and slows down. There are various timing functions available, including ease-in, ease-out, linear, and cubic-bezier, each providing a different effect on the transition.

The transition-delay value specifies a delay before the transition starts. It can be set in seconds or milliseconds, and the delay determines how long the transition waits before starting. For example, a delay of 0.5s would delay the start of the transition by half a second.

CSS3 transitions are triggered when there is a change in an element's state, such as hovering over it or clicking it. Once the transition is triggered, the browser applies the transition property and animates the element's specified properties from their initial state to their final state based on the transition duration, timing function, and delay.

CSS3 transitions are achieved by setting the transition property on an element and specifying which CSS properties should be transitioned, how long the transition should take to complete, the timing function used for the transition, and a delay before the transition starts. These transitions are triggered when there is a change in an element's state, providing a smoother and more engaging user experience.

Examples of CSS3 Transitions

CSS3 transitions offer developers a versatile and powerful toolset for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. With transitions, developers can add animation and smooth transitions to elements, resulting in a more engaging user experience. In this article, we'll explore several examples of how CSS3 transitions can be used to enhance the user experience, including hover effects, click effects, and fade-in effects. By leveraging the capabilities of CSS3 transitions, developers can bring their web pages to life and make them more visually appealing and interactive for users.

When a transition is applied to an element, it allows it to change smoothly from one state to another, rather than having an abrupt change. These transitions are triggered by changes in an element's state, such as hovering over it, clicking it, or changing its class using JavaScript. Once the transition is triggered, the browser will gradually transition the element from its initial state to its final state based on the properties and duration specified in the CSS.

CSS3 transitions can be defined using the transition property in CSS, which specifies the properties and duration of the transition, as well as the timing function that controls how the transition progresses. The transition property can be applied to specific elements or to all elements on a page, using the * selector.

The timing function is a crucial part of the transition as it determines how the transition progresses over time. The timing function can be linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, or ease-in-out, each providing a different effect on the transition. The ease function is the most used as it creates a smooth and natural-looking transition.

Transitions can be used to enhance the user experience in various ways, such as creating hover effects on buttons, animating dropdown menus, and transitioning between different sections on a page. By adding these dynamic effects to their websites, developers can improve the overall user experience and make their sites more engaging.

CSS3 transitions are an essential tool for developers looking to create visually appealing and dynamic web designs. They allow for gradual changes to an element's properties over a specified period, providing a smoother and more engaging user experience.

Changing the Colour of an Element on Hover

This example will change the background colour of a button from blue to red when it is hovered over, using a 0.5 second ease transition. As we set the background-color of the button to blue and apply a transition property to it with a duration of 0.5 seconds and an ease timing function. When the button is hovered over, the background-color is changed to red without any abrupt changes, thanks to the applied transition.

button {
  background-color: blue;
  transition: background-color 0.5s ease;

button:hover {
  background-color: red;

Growing an Element on Click

This example will make a box grow to 1.2 times its size when it is clicked, using a 1-second cubic-bezier transition. As we set the initial size of the box and apply a transition property to it with a duration of 1 second and a cubic-bezier timing function. When the box is clicked, the scale transform property is applied to it, making it grow to 1.2 times its original size with a smooth transition.

.box {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  transition: all 1s cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55);

.box:active {
  transform: scale(1.2);

Fading an Element In

This example will fade in a box by changing its opacity from 0 to 1 over a 1-second linear transition when the show class is applied to it. As we set the initial opacity of the box to 0 and apply a transition property to it with a duration of 1 second and a linear timing function. When the show class is applied to the box, its opacity is changed to 1 with a smooth transition, giving the impression of the box fading in.

.box {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s linear;

.box.show {
  opacity: 1;

This article post is just a few examples of the many creative ways that CSS3 transitions can be used to enhance the user experience on a web page. By applying transitions to elements, developers can create dynamic effects that engage users and provide a smoother and more enjoyable browsing experience.


CSS3 transitions are a key component in creating dynamic and engaging web pages. These transitions allow developers to gradually change the properties of an element, such as its size, colour, and position, resulting in smooth and visually appealing effects. CSS3 transitions are easy to implement and highly customizable, allowing developers to create unique and impressive effects to enhance the user experience.

When using CSS3 transitions, it's important to keep in mind that some older browsers may not support them. Therefore, it's advisable to include fallbacks or alternatives for these browsers to ensure that the user experience remains consistent across all platforms. CSS3 transitions can also be used in conjunction with other CSS3 features, such as animations and transform, to create even more complex and dynamic effects.

CSS3 transitions are a valuable tool for web developers seeking to create visually stunning and interactive web pages. They provide an easy and effective way to add dynamic effects to a website, making it more engaging and appealing to users. By mastering CSS3 transitions, developers can take their website design skills to the next level and create impressive and unique effects.

CSS3 transitions are also useful for improving the functionality of a website. For example, a transition can be used to change the appearance of a button when it's being clicked, making it more apparent to the user that their action has been registered. Transitions can also be used to create smooth scrolling effects, such as scrolling to a specific section of a page when a link is clicked.

CSS3 transitions can be combined with other CSS3 features to create even more impressive effects. For instance, they can be used with animations to create more complex and interactive effects, such as animated menus or interactive charts. They can also be used in conjunction with transforms to create dynamic and visually appealing transitions, such as rotating or flipping an element.

CSS3 transitions are also easy to implement. They require only a few lines of code, and developers can easily customize their duration, timing function, and other properties to achieve the desired effect. Moreover, CSS3 transitions can be applied to a wide range of elements, including text, images, and background colours, allowing developers to create dynamic effects throughout their websites.

However, it's important to keep in mind that not all browsers support CSS3 transitions, particularly older browsers. As such, developers should consider implementing fallbacks or alternatives for these browsers to ensure a consistent user experience.

CSS3 transitions are a valuable tool for creating dynamic and engaging effects on a website. They can improve both the functionality and visual appeal of a website, and they are easy to implement and customize. By mastering CSS3 transitions, developers can take their website design skills to the next level and create visually stunning websites that provide an exceptional user experience.