Int32.Parse() vs Convert.ToInt()

Int32.Parse converts a string variable (or some other valid types) into a variable of type int. However if you pass a non-recognized value (text string, empty string or null string), it will throw an exception (System.NullArgumentException if null else System.FormatException)

Convert.ToInt32 also converts a string (or some other valid types) into a variable of type int. It basically behaves the same way as Int32.Parse() except that it won't throw an exception System.NullArgumentException if a null string is passed to the method, instead it will return 0.

You should therefore use the method that better suits your scenario.

Finally for those who are already using .Net 2.0, you may prefer to use the new Int32.TryParse method, which accepts a string, an ouput int and returns true or false if the conversion succeeds. If the conversion succeeds, the output int is set to the result.