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  • Singleton Design Pattern In FlutterMar 20, 2024. Learn how and when to use Singletons, implement them effectively, and explore their advantages and limitations. This article also includes a sample implementation using the shared_preferences package to manage user preferences.
  • Abstract Factory Design Pattern In FlutterMar 12, 2024. Learn about the Abstract Factory design pattern in Flutter for creating platform-specific widgets. This pattern centralizes the creation of related objects, making it easier to manage and work with multiple factory methods.
  • Factory Method Design Pattern In FlutterMar 06, 2024. Factory Method design pattern! Learn how to create objects dynamically, improve code flexibility, and build platform-specific UIs (like buttons) with ease. Explore a practical payment gateway example and overcome common challenges.
  • React Design Pattern Series: Mastering Render Props PatternFeb 13, 2024. The article delves into the power and flexibility of React render props as a fundamental design pattern in React development. Exploring the concept, benefits, and real-world use cases, the article demonstrates how render props allow for the seamless sharing of code between components.
  • React Design Pattern Series: Container/Presentational PatternFeb 13, 2024. Learn how to master the Container/Presentational Pattern in React with our comprehensive guide. This design pattern separates view and application logic, promoting improved code organization, reusability, and easier testing.
  • React Design Pattern Series: Mastering HOC PatternFeb 13, 2024. This React Design Pattern Series introduces the Higher Order Component (HOC) pattern, a powerful tool in React development. Exploring its definition, benefits, and a real-world example of an authentication HOC, the article emphasizes cleaner, more reusable components.
  • React Design Pattern Series: Mastering Hooks PatternFeb 05, 2024. This article delves into the transformative impact of React Hooks on state and side-effect management within functional components. The piece explores the "what" and "why" behind React Hooks, emphasizing their benefits, such as simplified state management, logic reusability, and improved lifecycle management.
  • Microservices Development with 3-Tier Architecture and Circuit Breaker Design Pattern Using Microsoft ASP.NET Core Web APIDec 30, 2023. The Circuit Breaker pattern, analogous to its electrical counterpart, monitors for failures and helps prevent cascading failures in distributed systems. It acts as a barrier between a potentially failing service or resource and the rest of the system.When a service is working as expected, the Circuit Breaker allows requests to pass through. However, if the service encounters an issue or starts to fail, the Circuit Breaker "opens" and prevents further requests from being sent to the failing service for a defined period. This helps to preserve system resources and prevent overload or degradation.
  • Microservices Development Using CQRS Architectural Design Pattern in Microsoft Core Web API Dec 28, 2023. The Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern is an architectural principle that separates the responsibility for handling commands (write operations that change state) from queries (read operations that retrieve state). It advocates having separate models for reading and writing data.Components of CQRS: Command: Represents an action that mutates the system's state.Query: Represents a request for data retrieval without changing the system's state.Command Handler: Responsible for executing commands and updating the system's state.Query Handler: Responsible for handling read requests and returning data in response to queries.Command Model: Contains the logic and rules necessary to process commands and update the data store.Query Model: Optimized for querying and presenting data to users, often involving denormalized or optimized data structures tailored for specific queries.Key Principles: Separation of Concerns: Splitting the responsibilities of reading and writing data helps in maintaining simpler, more focused models for each task.Performance Optimization: Enables independent scaling of read and write operations. The read model can be optimized for query performance without affecting the write model.Flexibility: Allows for different models to be used for reading and writing, which can cater to specific requirements and optimizations for each use case.Complex Domain Logic: Particularly beneficial in domains where read and write logic significantly differ, allowing tailored models for each type of operation.Benefits: Scalability: CQRS enables scaling read and write operations independently, optimizing performance.Flexibility and Optimization: Tailoring models for specific tasks allows for better optimization of the system.Complexity Management: Separating concerns can make the system easier to understand and maintain.
  • MVP Design Pattern in C#Dec 26, 2023. Explore the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) design pattern in C#. Uncover its principles, including Model for data, View for UI, and Presenter as an intermediary. Learn its advantages and witness a practical C# implementation for enhanced application development.
  • TODO application with CQRS Design Pattern within Nest JSDec 03, 2023. In this article, we will discover the process of incorporating the CQRS design pattern into a Nest JS application. A detailed, step-by-step guide to its implementation.
  • API Development Using Strategy Design Pattern with 3-Tier Architecture Nov 12, 2023. In today's fast-paced software development landscape, creating well-structured and maintainable applications is crucial. One popular design pattern that can greatly enhance the organization and flexibility of your ASP.NET Core Web API projects is the Strategy Design Pattern. This pattern allows you to encapsulate and swap out algorithms or behaviors at runtime, making it an ideal choice for handling various CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your data models. In this article, we'll explore how to implement the Strategy Design Pattern within a 3-Tier Architecture in an ASP.NET Core Web API. You'll learn how to create a robust business logic layer, define concrete strategies for each CRUD operation, and seamlessly integrate them into your API controllers. By the end of this guide, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage this pattern for a more maintainable and scalable API.
  • Implementing State Design Pattern in ASP.NET Core Web API with 3-Tier ArchitectureNov 10, 2023. In this ASP.NET Core Web API project utilizing a 3-Tier Architecture with the State Design Pattern, we've created a News management system that encapsulates the state of news items, allowing for a clear and structured way to handle state transitions. The architecture consists of three distinct layers: Presentation, Business Logic, and Data Access. The Business Logic layer is where the State Design Pattern is applied, with different states such as Draft, Published, and Archived, each represented by concrete state classes. The NewsService class is responsible for managing these states and their transitions. Controllers in the Presentation layer handle HTTP requests and delegate the state-related operations to the NewsService, enabling CRUD functionality for news items. By setting the appropriate state and invoking state-specific methods, such as Publish and Archive, we control the state transitions. While this example focuses on the pattern's core implementation, in a real-world scenario, you would integrate a data access layer to persist and retrieve news items from a database, making it a robust and maintainable system.
  • Mediator Design Pattern in ASP.NET Core Web API with 3-Tier ArchitectureOct 19, 2023. The Mediator Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines an object that centralizes communication between a set of objects. It promotes loose coupling between components by preventing direct connections between them. Instead of components communicating directly, they communicate through a mediator.
  • API Development using Clean architecture and facade design pattern in Asp.Net Core Web APIOct 10, 2023. Implementing a complete solution with all the details you've requested involves a significant amount of code, and it might not be feasible to provide an exhaustive example here. However, I can give you a basic outline and provide code snippets for each layer of the Clean Architecture in an ASP.NET Core Web API application using the Facade Pattern
  • Building a Robust ASP.NET Core Web API with Singleton Design Pattern and Three-Tier ArchitectureOct 04, 2023. This example provides a basic structure for a Three-Tier Architecture in an ASP.NET Core Web API, implementing a Singleton Design Pattern for the Data Access Layer. Remember to adjust the code based on your specific requirements and consider using dependency injection for better testability and maintainability.
  • CRUD Operations in ASP.NET Core with 3-Tier Harmony and Command Builder Design Pattern Oct 04, 2023. Command Builder Design Pattern in an ASP.NET Core Web API using a Three-Tier Architecture for CRUD operations. For the sake of this example, let's assume you have a model named CSharpCornerArticle.
  • Understanding the Flyweight Design Pattern in C#Sep 20, 2023. Explore the Flyweight Design Pattern in C#, a memory-efficient structural pattern. Learn to optimize performance by sharing common properties among objects, improving application efficiency.
  • Understanding the Factory Design Pattern in C#Sep 19, 2023. Understanding the Factory Design Pattern in C#
  • Implementing Pipeline Design Pattern using C#Jul 18, 2023. Learn about the Pipeline design pattern and its implementation using C#. Discover how this powerful pattern breaks down complex tasks into modular steps for efficient and maintainable code.
  • Strategy Design Pattern in C#Jul 16, 2023. In this article we will learn what is a strategy design pattern and how we can implement it using C#. We will use a real world example of ImageProcessor to explain.
  • Singleton Design Pattern Evolution and implementation C#May 03, 2023. Learn how to implement the Singleton Pattern in C# and its evolution through four different approaches.
  • Simplifying Object Creation - Using The Factory Design Pattern In Everyday DevelopmentMar 15, 2023. In software engineering, a creational design pattern is a design pattern that deals with the process of object creation in a way that is both flexible and efficient. Creational design patterns provide general solutions for creating objects that are suitable for a wide variety of situations, without being tied to specific classes or configurations.
  • C# Abstract Factory Design Pattern With Code ExampleFeb 18, 2022. In this article, you will learn about C# code to explain Abstract Factory Design Pattern.
  • Quick Start On Design Pattern In C#Jun 21, 2021. In this article, you will learn about Design Patterns and it's benefits.
  • Prototype Design Pattern With JavaDec 30, 2020. In this article, you will learn the Prototype Design Pattern using Java.
  • Composite Design Pattern Using JavaDec 26, 2020. A composite design pattern is a structural design pattern. It allows the developer to create multiple nested objects of the same type to complete one single system hierarchy.
  • Composite Design Pattern Using PythonDec 26, 2020. A composite design pattern is a structural design pattern. It allows developers to create multiple nested objects of the same type to complete one single system hierarchy.
  • Composite Design Pattern With C#Dec 23, 2020. Composite design pattern is structural design pattern. It allow developer to create multiple nested objects of same type to complete one single system hierarches Players in this pattern:
  • Bridge Design Pattern With JavaNov 23, 2020. In this article, you will learn Bridge Design Pattern with Java
  • CQRS Design Pattern OverviewNov 02, 2020. A high-level overview of the CQRS design pattern for beginners to get the concept.
  • Learn Repository Design Pattern With .Net CoreOct 20, 2020. In this article, you will learn about the Repository Design Pattern with .Net Core.
  • Builder Design Pattern With JavaOct 12, 2020. In this article, you will learn the Builder Design Pattern with Java.
  • Factory Design Pattern With JavaOct 08, 2020. In this article, you will learn about a Factory Design Pattern.
  • Abstract Factory Method Design Pattern With .NET CoreSep 07, 2020. In this article, we will explain the Abstract Factory Method Design Pattern alongside a practical example.
  • Sidecar Design Pattern In MicroservicesAug 28, 2020. In this article, you will learn about Microservices Design using Sidecar Pattern.
  • Singleton Design Pattern with JavaAug 24, 2020. In this, you will learn the Singleton design pattern in java.
  • Factory Method Design Pattern With .NET CoreAug 24, 2020. In this article, we will explain the Factory Method Design Pattern alongside a practical sample.
  • Factory Design Pattern With .Net CoreAug 18, 2020. In this article will be explained about the Factory Design Pattern alongside with a practical sample
  • Composite And Builder Design Pattern With A TreeApr 23, 2020. In this article, we cover what is the composite pattern, and what is this useful for?
  • Facade Design Pattern With ExampleJan 28, 2020. In this article we will try to implement Facade Design pattern using an example of a Banking System which has different types of accounts like checking and savings.
  • Factory Design Pattern With ExampleJan 24, 2020. This article explains one of the most important creational design patterns; i.e Factory Pattern
  • Builder Design Pattern Using a Java SampleJan 24, 2020. In this article, we will learn what the Builder design pattern is and how to implement it.
  • Strategy Design Pattern using a Java SampleJan 24, 2020. A strategic design pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which the behavior of the object is encapsulated with a common function name.
  • Strategy Design Pattern Using C# SampleJan 13, 2020. In this article we will learn about what strategic design pattern is and how to use it.
  • Builder Design Pattern Using Python SampleJan 10, 2020. In this article we will learn about what Builder design pattern is and how to implement it.
  • Builder Design Pattern Using C# SampleJan 10, 2020. In this article we will learn about what Builder design pattern is and how to implement it.
  • Singleton Design Pattern With Python SampleDec 26, 2019. In this article we will use Singleton Design Pattern and see how to implement it
  • Singleton Design Pattern With Java SampleDec 26, 2019. In this article we will learn about Singleton Design Pattern and how to implement it
  • Singleton Design Pattern With C# SampleDec 23, 2019. In this article, we will Explore the Singleton Design Pattern in C# with a concise sample code demonstrating its implementation. Learn how to ensure a class has only one instance, providing global access to it while controlling its instantiation.
  • Command Design Pattern Using Java SampleDec 05, 2019. In this article we will understand the command design pattern usage with example.
  • Command Design Pattern using Python SampleDec 05, 2019. In this article, we will understand command design pattern usage with an example.
  • Command Design Pattern Using A C# SampleDec 03, 2019. In this article, we will learn the Command design pattern with an example.
  • Observer Design Pattern Explained With Java SampleNov 21, 2019. The Observer Design Pattern is a Behavioral Pattern used to notify all the objects that are registered/attached/added to the same type of observer.
  • Observer Design Pattern explained with a Python sampleNov 21, 2019. This post shows how the Observer Design Pattern is used to notify all objects that are registered/attached/added to the same type of observer
  • Observer Design Pattern explained with a C# SampleNov 19, 2019. This post shows how the Observer Design Pattern is used to notify all objects who are registered/attached/added to the same type of observer
  • Repository Design Pattern In ASP.NET MVCSep 05, 2019. The Repository Design Pattern in C# mediates between the domain and the data mapping layers using a collection-like interface for accessing the domain objects.
  • Session Wrapper Design Pattern For ASP.NET CoreJul 26, 2019. In this article, we will learn to access the Session data in a Typed manner by getting IntelliSense support.
  • Repository Design Pattern In .NET CORE WEB APIJul 05, 2019. In this article, I am going to explain how to structure your project in a repository design pattern.
  • CRUD Operation Using Repository Design Pattern In ASP.NET MVCJun 11, 2019. In this article, you will learn about CRUD Operations using Repository Design Pattern in ASP.NET MVC.
  • Builder Design Pattern Using C#Apr 18, 2019. In this article, we will understand the Builder Design Pattern, when we should actually use it, and a practical example along with the disadvantages and advantages of it.
  • Facade Design Pattern In C#Apr 07, 2019. C# Facade Pattern is used in hiding complexity of large systems and provide simpler interfaces. In this article, we will understand what Facade Pattern is and when and how to use a facade pattern in C#.
  • Strategy Design Pattern Using C#Apr 03, 2019. In this article, we will understand what Strategy Pattern is and when we actually need to use it, along with a practical example and real-life use case.
  • Observer Design Pattern Using C#Mar 29, 2019. In this article, we will understand what Observer Pattern is and when we actually need to use it, along with a practical example and real life use case.
  • Adapter Design Pattern Explained SimplyMar 22, 2019. This article will explain the adapter design pattern , its practical use case with its benefits and drawbacks.
  • Page Object Model Design Pattern 💻 In Selenium Web DriverDec 31, 2018. In this article, we will learn page object model design pattern in Selenium web driver.
  • ASP.NET Core 2 - Architecture And Design Pattern IdeologyJul 06, 2018. This article is about ASP.NET core architecture and design patterns ideology understanding.
  • Understanding State Design Pattern By Implementing Finite State Machine In Super Mario GameJun 25, 2018. In object oriented programming State Pattern is one of the way to implement Finite State Machines. This pattern falls under Behavioral Design Patterns.
  • Improving Efficiency With Strategy Design Pattern In JSON Parser ExampleJun 04, 2018. Here we will see how Strategy Pattern helped in refactoring code in JSON parser example
  • Leveraging Template Method Design Pattern In Logger ExampleJun 01, 2018. Here we will understand the use of Template Method Design Pattern by gradually refactoring our code.
  • Cab Booking And Scheduling By Using Command Design Pattern And SchedulerJan 20, 2018. This article explains the cab booking & scheduling system by using Command Design Pattern and Scheduler.
  • Singleton Design Pattern In C# - Part Three (Static vs Singleton)Jan 11, 2018. In this series of learning singleton patterns, we learned lazy initialization and eager initializations with practical examples. We also learned why it is necessary to make the singleton class sealed with sealed keyword. In this article, I’ll try to explain the differences between static and singleton class and where to use static and where to use singleton classes.
  • Singleton Design Pattern In C# - Part Two (Eager and Lazy Initialization in Singleton)Jan 09, 2018. In this article, we’ll discuss Lazy initialization, the lazy keyword, why to make singleton class a sealed class and what are the differences between singleton and static class.
  • Singleton Design Pattern In C# - Part OneJan 08, 2018. I always wanted to write about Singleton design pattern in C#. Though there already are many posts available on Singleton design pattern, I’ll try to cover this topic in the most simplistic and easy to understand way.
  • Singleton Design Pattern In C#Mar 23, 2017. The Singleton Design Pattern is one of the creational design patterns used in software engineering. It is primarily employed to ensure that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. In C#, this pattern is often used to control access to resources that are shared across the application, such as configuration settings, database connections, and caching mechanisms.
  • Understanding GOF Design Pattern With Simple Examples - Part OneNov 20, 2016. In this article, we will go through some of the highly used design patterns, with simple examples.
  • Factory Design Pattern Real World ExampleSep 13, 2016. In this article, you will see the real world example of Factory Design Pattern.
  • Working With Singleton Design Pattern In Real Time ProjectsSep 12, 2016. In this article, you will learn, what Singleton is and how to use Singleton pattern in projects.
  • Factory Design Pattern In C#Jun 04, 2016. In this article you will learn about Factory Method Design Pattern in C# language.
  • Implementing Modular Design Pattern And OOP In JavaScriptDec 25, 2015. In this article you will learn how to implement Modular Design pattern and OOP in JavaScript.
  • An Overview Of Factory Design Pattern With Real Life ExampleNov 20, 2015. In this article you will learn Easy and Tricky to Understand the Factory Design Pattern with Real Time Example.
  • Adapter Design Pattern In C#Nov 17, 2015. The Adapter Design Pattern is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces, making them compatible without changing their source code. This pattern is commonly used when integrating new features or third-party components into an existing system.
  • Singleton Design Pattern Vs Static ClassOct 29, 2015. In this article, I will demonstrate you what is singleton design pattern and static class.
  • Chain Of Responsibility Design Pattern Using C#Oct 15, 2015. In this article we will learn about Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern using C#.
  • Memento Design Pattern Using C#Sep 27, 2015. In this article you will learn Memento Design Pattern using C#.
  • Iterator Design Pattern Using C#Sep 17, 2015. In this article you will learn about Iterator Design Pattern using C#.
  • Mediator Design Pattern Using C#Sep 08, 2015. In this article you will learn about Mediator Design Pattern using C#.
  • Decorator Design Pattern Using C#Sep 02, 2015. In this article you will learn about decorator design pattern using C#.
  • Template Method Design Pattern Using C#Aug 14, 2015. In this article we will discuss the template method design pattern using C#.
  • Adapter Design Pattern DemystifiedJun 04, 2015. This article explains the Adapter Design Patterns.
  • C# Singleton Design Pattern Example: Part 2Apr 27, 2015. In this article we will see how to make it Thread Safe.
  • Prototype Design Pattern With Real-World ScenarioApr 02, 2015. This article explains the prototype pattern and its practical implementation with a real-world scenario.
  • Builder Design Pattern From Intent to ImplementationMar 29, 2015. This article explains the Builder Design Pattern, its intent and practical implementation with a real-world scenario.
  • MVP Design Pattern For Windows FormsAug 26, 2014. This article describes the MVP design pattern for Windows Forms.
  • Repository Design Pattern in MVC Architecture With Entity FrameworkJun 19, 2014. In this example we will first implement a sample application using pure MVC architecture and then we will see how to improve our code standards by implementing the repository design pattern.
  • Implement Adaptor Design Pattern in Various Ways Using C#May 05, 2014. In this article we implement the Adaptor design pattern in three ways.
  • Adapter and Facade Design Pattern in C#Feb 24, 2014. This article discusses the comparison of Adapter and facade design pattern in C#.
  • Doubleton Design Pattern in C#: Part 2Jan 08, 2014. In this article we can learn how to create a Doubleton class in C#.
  • Doubleton Design Pattern in C#: Part 1Jan 03, 2014. In this article we can learn how to create a Doubleton class in C#.
  • Proxy Design Pattern Using C#Jan 01, 2014. This article explains the Proxy Design Pattern. Proxy Design Pattern acts as a representation of an object and will basically be the access point to use the original object.