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  • Fallback And Target Null Values In WPFJul 31, 2020. In this article, you will learn how to manage error-prone code with 2 simple properties in WPF.
  • How To Handle Null Values In C#Aug 13, 2019. In C#, NULL values are handled differently for value types and reference types. Value types cannot be assigned NULL values directly, but reference types can. Nullable types provide a solution for assigning NULL to value types by adding a '?' after the type declaration.
  • How To Ignore Null Values In AutoMapperJul 26, 2019. In this article, you will learn how to Ignore Null values in AutoMapper in ASP.NET CORE.
  • CONCAT Function and NULL Values in SQL Server 2012Apr 29, 2015. In this article we will learn about the CONCAT function and NULL values in SQL Server 2012.
  • How to Handle Null Values in MYSQL?Jan 03, 2012. Here we will learn how to handle null values and null values functions in MySQL.Handling null values in MySQL is an important aspect of database management, as null represents the absence of a value in a particular field. Dealing with null values properly can ensure data integrity and smooth operations. Here are some common methods to handle null values in MySQL:
  • Memory Handling on NULL Values Using Sparse ColumnsOct 11, 2010. Sparse columns is a new feature in SQL Server 2008. Thr feature enables us to store null values effectively. Ideally, if the column is NULL, then the data won't be stored in the database and it's cost effective solution to save the space. If your table has more Null values, we can use this solution.
  • Enter Null Values for DateTime Column of SQL ServerSep 26, 2003. Inserting a null value to the DateTime Field in SQL Server is one of the most common issues giving various errors. Even if one enters null values the value in the database is some default value as 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM.
  • Handling Null Values in DataGridJul 17, 2003. n C# programming, developers often encounter the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception, commonly known as a NullReferenceException. However, with the introduction of the Null-Conditional operator in C# 6, handling such exceptions has become easier.
  • NULL Values in SQLSep 02, 2023. In this article, we will learn about NULL Values in SQL. Explore the significance of NULL values in SQL, their benefits in data flexibility, and potential challenges. Learn how to handle NULLs effectively with SQL operators and functions.
  • SQL For Beginners: NULL ValuesFeb 01, 2016. In this article series 'SQL For Beginners', we will learn about the NULL Values in SQL.