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Types of Error Handling in Web API .NET 8 with Example
Nov 13, 2024.
Error handling is a mechanism to take control of unexpected situations that occur in the system during processing and return any helpful error response from a NET 8 Web API. That said, here are some different ways to do error handling,
How to Build a Clean Architecture Web API with .NET Core 8
Sep 26, 2024.
Learn how to build a robust Web API using Clean Architecture principles with .NET Core 8. This guide covers essential concepts, including modular design, dependency injection, and best practices for API development.
Download Multiple Excel Files via Web API .NET and Angular
Sep 20, 2024.
To export multiple Excel files, various approaches can be used, including downloading a zip file, creating multiple worksheets in a single Excel file, or calling APIs multiple times to retrieve files. Another method involves using Base64 strings, though it's less efficient due to increased file size.
Download Multiple Excel Files via Web API and Angular
Sep 20, 2024.
In this article, we will learn how to implement file streaming in the backend and trigger downloads via Angular's HTTPClient, enabling efficient file handling across platforms.
Building an ASP.NET Core Web API with Gridify
Aug 22, 2024.
This guide walks you through setting up a .NET Core API, integrating Gridify for dynamic query handling, and enhancing your application's performance with clean, maintainable code.
CRUD Operations with Repository Pattern and Web API in .NET 8
Aug 20, 2024.
This guide covers creating a clean, maintainable data access layer by leveraging the Repository Pattern for managing database interactions and exposing endpoints through Web API, enhancing your .NET 8 applications.
C# Method Designed to Make a POST Request to a Web API Endpoint
Jul 04, 2024.
This guide covers API integration in C#, detailing serialization, encryption, HTTP requests, and error handling. Learn how to set up an API integration method, handle responses, and follow best practices for security, error handling, and asynchronous operations to build robust and secure applications.
RabbitMQ Messaging for .NET 8 Web API with Windows Client Part 2
Jun 04, 2024.
Learn how to integrate RabbitMQ with a WebApi and a Console application. Establish communication between the producer and consumer using RabbitMQ queues. Utilize RabbitMQ's features for asynchronous message passing, ensuring seamless data transmission between applications.
RabbitMQ Messaging for .NET 8 Web API with Windows Client Part 1
May 30, 2024.
RabbitMQ Messaging for .Net 8 WebAPI with Windows Client Part 1," introduces you to integrating RabbitMQ with a .Net 8 WebAPI and a Windows client application. Learn the fundamentals of setting up RabbitMQ, configuring your .Net 8 WebAPI for messaging, and establishing a Windows client to send and receive messages.
Web API in Azure (3), Consume Web API with a Security Token
May 09, 2024.
This article will discuss how to use Postman to access Web API. This article focuses on accessing and securing a Web API registered on Azure Identity Platform. It covers tools like Postman and Swagger for testing and setting security with examples.
Deploying .NET 8 Core Web API in Cloud with .NET Aspire App"
May 01, 2024.
Learn to build and deploy high-performance .NET Core Web APIs in cloud environments using ASP.NET Core. Explore best practices for scalability, containerization with Docker, and deployment on Azure or AWS.
Telemetry in ASP.NET Core Web API with Prometheus
Mar 29, 2024.
Explore seamless integration of Prometheus for advanced telemetry in ASP.NET Core Web API. Monitor and collect metrics, enabling deep insights into application performance and behavior.
Revolutionizing Software Architecture: .NET Core Web API and Microservices Paradigms
Mar 12, 2024.
As we navigate the dynamic landscape of software development, it is paramount to consider real-world scenarios and apply architectural patterns that foster separation of concerns and flexibility. The use cases presented, such as building a finance application with a layered architecture.
Dynamic Model Binding in ASP.NET Core Web API
Feb 22, 2024.
Dynamic model binding in ASP.NET Core Web API allows flexible data binding for HTTP requests with varying structures. Follow these steps to implement dynamic model binding in your ASP.NET Core project.
CRUD Operations in Power Portal Using Web API Methods
Jan 31, 2024.
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations in Power Portal using Web API methods and D365. This article covers Power Portal overview, portal creation, and performing CRUD operations for efficient data management in Dynamics 365.
Eager Loading In ASP.NET Core Web API Complete Example
Jan 22, 2024.
In ASP.NET Core, eager loading is a technique used to load related data along with the main entity in a single database query. This helps to optimize performance by reducing the number of database calls. Let's implement an example of eager loading in an ASP.NET Core Web API using Entity Framework Core.
Working with SQL Lite Database in Asp.NET Core Web API
Jan 21, 2024.
SQLite is a self-contained, serverless, and zero-configuration relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a lightweight, open-source, and embedded database engine that does not require a separate server process and operates directly on the client's device
Deploy .Net Core Web API to Elastic Beanstalk using AWS CodeBuild & CodePipeline
Dec 31, 2023.
Learn how to deploy a .Net Core Web API to Elastic Beanstalk service by configuring AWS CodeBuild & CodePipeline CI/CD pipelines
Microservices Development Using CQRS Architectural Design Pattern in Microsoft Core Web API
Dec 28, 2023.
The Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern is an architectural principle that separates the responsibility for handling commands (write operations that change state) from queries (read operations that retrieve state). It advocates having separate models for reading and writing data.Components of CQRS: Command: Represents an action that mutates the system's state.Query: Represents a request for data retrieval without changing the system's state.Command Handler: Responsible for executing commands and updating the system's state.Query Handler: Responsible for handling read requests and returning data in response to queries.Command Model: Contains the logic and rules necessary to process commands and update the data store.Query Model: Optimized for querying and presenting data to users, often involving denormalized or optimized data structures tailored for specific queries.Key Principles: Separation of Concerns: Splitting the responsibilities of reading and writing data helps in maintaining simpler, more focused models for each task.Performance Optimization: Enables independent scaling of read and write operations. The read model can be optimized for query performance without affecting the write model.Flexibility: Allows for different models to be used for reading and writing, which can cater to specific requirements and optimizations for each use case.Complex Domain Logic: Particularly beneficial in domains where read and write logic significantly differ, allowing tailored models for each type of operation.Benefits: Scalability: CQRS enables scaling read and write operations independently, optimizing performance.Flexibility and Optimization: Tailoring models for specific tasks allows for better optimization of the system.Complexity Management: Separating concerns can make the system easier to understand and maintain.
API Development Using Dapper and Microsoft Asp.NET Core Web API
Dec 24, 2023.
ASP.NET Core is a powerful framework for building web applications, and "Dapper" is a popular micro ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) that works well with ASP.NET Core for database operations. Dapper provides a simple way to interact with databases using raw SQL queries while mapping the results to objects.
.Net 8 Web API CRUD Operations
Dec 18, 2023.
In this article, We are going to discuss how to create web API using .NET 8. Creating a .NET 8 Web API with CRUD operations using an in-memory collection. It covers setting up the project, implementing services, and testing endpoints.
CRUD Operation from Power Portal Using Web API Methods
Dec 07, 2023.
Unlock the potential of Dynamics 365 portals by mastering CRUD operations with Web API. This article guides you through creating and customizing portals, covering key aspects
Unraveling .NET Core Web API Structure
Nov 29, 2023.
Unlock the potential of .NET Core Web APIs. This guide explores their fundamental structure, HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and practical use cases for building robust and scalable applications.
CI/CD Pipeline for a .NET Web API Application in Azure DevOps
Nov 21, 2023.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines play a pivotal role in achieving this, enabling developers to build, test, and deploy their code efficiently. For .NET Web API applications, Azure DevOps offers a robust platform to establish a streamlined CI/CD pipeline.
Creating Consistent ASP.NET Core Web API Responses with AutoMapper and DTOs
Nov 17, 2023.
Developing a robust ASP.NET Core Web API hinges on the subtle yet pivotal details of response structuring. Leveraging AutoMapper in tandem with well-designed Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) not only ensures the separation of concerns but also orchestrates a symphony of consistent and predictable API responses. These intricacies extend beyond mere data mapping; they epitomize a strategic approach in harmonizing the internal model intricacies with the API's outward-facing facade. Unveiling the elegance of these detailed mappings and the orchestration of a uniform response structure not only enhances the developer's workflow but also augments client-side integration, presenting an intuitive and standardized communication channel. Addressing these finer points not only establishes a foundation for resilient error handling but also fuels the API's scalability and ease of maintenance, fostering an environment where agility meets reliability.
Basic Authentication with ASP.Net Core Web API Using MySQL Server
Nov 15, 2023.
This article provides a comprehensive guide for implementing Basic HTTP authentication in a .NET 3.1 API with C#. The step-by-step instructions, code snippets, and explanations seem well-organized.
Implementing the Visitor Pattern in ASP.NET Core Web API Using 3-Tier Architecture
Nov 14, 2023.
In an ASP.NET Core Web API employing a 3-tier architecture, the Visitor Pattern is utilized for efficient data manipulation in the C# Article model. The model, CSharpArticle, includes essential properties. The architecture involves a Data Access Layer with a repository managing database interactions, a Business Layer housing the Visitor interface and Article Service, and a Presentation Layer containing the API controllers. The Visitor Pattern is employed in the Business Layer to perform operations on articles, allowing for clean separation of concerns and enabling reusable, structured, and scalable code. This design ensures that CRUD operations benefit from the Visitor Pattern's flexibility while maintaining a clear division of responsibilities across the layers of the application.
ASP.NET Core Web API Development with Template Method Pattern and 3-Tier Architecture
Nov 13, 2023.
This design pattern allows for a structured, modular, and easily maintainable architecture by separating concerns into distinct layers and leveraging the Template Method Pattern to provide a common structure for CRUD operations while allowing flexibility for additional logic in concrete implementations.
Implementing State Design Pattern in ASP.NET Core Web API with 3-Tier Architecture
Nov 10, 2023.
In this ASP.NET Core Web API project utilizing a 3-Tier Architecture with the State Design Pattern, we've created a News management system that encapsulates the state of news items, allowing for a clear and structured way to handle state transitions. The architecture consists of three distinct layers: Presentation, Business Logic, and Data Access. The Business Logic layer is where the State Design Pattern is applied, with different states such as Draft, Published, and Archived, each represented by concrete state classes. The NewsService class is responsible for managing these states and their transitions. Controllers in the Presentation layer handle HTTP requests and delegate the state-related operations to the NewsService, enabling CRUD functionality for news items. By setting the appropriate state and invoking state-specific methods, such as Publish and Archive, we control the state transitions. While this example focuses on the pattern's core implementation, in a real-world scenario, you would integrate a data access layer to persist and retrieve news items from a database, making it a robust and maintainable system.
Building a Web API with C# Records for DTOs
Nov 06, 2023.
This blog article explores the use of C# records for Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) in ASP.NET Core Web API development. It offers insights into the benefits and practical application of C# records, using a UserController example to showcase how these immutable structures enhance data transfer operations in web APIs.
ASP.NET Core Web API Development with Observer Design Pattern
Nov 01, 2023.
This project represents a robust ASP.NET Core Web API application that manages tickets using a 3-tier architecture. The system provides full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for tickets. What sets this system apart is its use of the Observer Design Pattern, which enables real-time notifications to subscribers whenever a ticket is created, updated, or deleted. The three primary architectural layers include the Presentation Layer (API), Business Logic Layer (Service), and Data Access Layer (Repository), providing a well-structured and maintainable solution for ticket management.
Convert Speech To Text Using Azure AI Speech In Angular 16 And .NET 6 Web API
Oct 29, 2023.
In this post, we will see how to record audio from microphone and convert to a text using Azure AI Speech and .NET 6 Web API. We are using Angular 16 on the client side
Building a Web API Structure with Database-First Approach (Using EDMX)
Oct 23, 2023.
In this article, you will learn about Web API Structure With Database First Approch. This article provides a step-by-step guide on creating a web API structure with a database-first approach using EDMX in an ASP.NET web application. The steps include project creation, data model setup, API controller creation, and configuration for JSON output.
ASP.NET Core Web API Development with Memento Pattern
Oct 20, 2023.
The Mediator Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that promotes loose coupling among objects by centralizing their communication through a mediator object. In this pattern, multiple objects interact with each other indirectly through the mediator, rather than communicating directly.The primary goal of the Mediator Pattern is to reduce the dependencies between objects, making the system more maintainable and allowing for more flexible and scalable designs. It simplifies complex communication scenarios by having a single point of control, the mediator, which coordinates the interactions between different objects or components.
ASP.NET Core Web API with 3-Tier Architecture and Iterator Pattern
Oct 19, 2023.
The Iterator Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that provides a way to access elements of a collection sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. It defines an interface for accessing the elements of a collection and keeps track of the current position within that collection.
Mediator Design Pattern in ASP.NET Core Web API with 3-Tier Architecture
Oct 19, 2023.
The Mediator Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines an object that centralizes communication between a set of objects. It promotes loose coupling between components by preventing direct connections between them. Instead of components communicating directly, they communicate through a mediator.
Interpreter Pattern in ASP.NET Core Web API with Clean Architecture
Oct 18, 2023.
Explore the application of the Interpreter Design Pattern in an ASP.NET Core Web API, following Clean Architecture principles. This article delves into building a robust CarCompany CRUD system, emphasizing code organization and separation of concerns for a maintainable and scalable solution.
Simplified ASP.NET Core Web API with Clean Architecture and Chain of Responsibility
Oct 16, 2023.
In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, creating a robust and maintainable API is crucial. ASP.NET Core, with its versatility and performance, provides an excellent foundation for building web APIs. Clean Architecture, a software design philosophy, promotes separation of concerns and maintainability. In this article, we'll explore the combination of ASP.NET Core, Clean Architecture, and the Chain of Responsibility pattern to implement a straightforward yet powerful solution for CarCompany CRUD operations. Follow along as we break down the steps to construct a simplified and efficient ASP.NET Core Web API.
Clean Architecture ASP.NET Core Web API Proxy
Oct 13, 2023.
In the realm of modern web development, constructing a robust and scalable solution is paramount. This journey often involves harmonizing architectural principles and design patterns to enhance maintainability and flexibility. Our venture explores the creation of an ASP.NET Core Web API utilizing the Clean Architecture paradigm and harnessing the power of the Proxy Pattern. Focused on the dynamic domain of CarCompany management, our implementation establishes a structured and modular approach to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Through the systematic use of interfaces, repositories, and dependency injection, we aim to not only facilitate seamless data access but also introduce a Proxy layer, offering a versatile gateway for implementing additional functionalities such as caching, logging, and validation. This amalgamation of industry-best practices forms the foundation for a resilient and extensible web API tailored for CarCompany data management.
Efficient ASP.NET Core Web API Development with Clean Architecture, Flyweight Pattern
Oct 11, 2023.
the implementation of the CarCompany CRUD operations within an ASP.NET Core Web API, following the Clean Architecture principles, has been successfully structured. The separation of concerns into layers such as Web API, Application, Domain, and Infrastructure promotes maintainability and scalability. Leveraging the Flyweight Pattern ensures efficient management and sharing of common data, particularly with the inclusion of the FlyweightProperties within the CarCompany entity.
ASP.NET Core Web API Development with Onion Architecture using Prototype Design Pattern
Oct 09, 2023.
ASP.NET Core Web API using the Onion Architecture and Prototype Design Pattern. Note that this example is simplified for demonstration purposes, and in a real-world scenario, you might want to add more features, error handling, validation, and security measures.
Building Scalable ASP.NET Core Web API with Onion Architecture and Abstract Factory Design Pattern
Oct 06, 2023.
This implementation serves as a foundation for building robust, modular, and scalable ASP.NET Core Web APIs. As the project evolves, additional features, security measures, and optimizations can be incorporated while adhering to the principles of the chosen architectural style.
Building a Robust ASP.NET Core Web API with Singleton Design Pattern and Three-Tier Architecture
Oct 04, 2023.
This example provides a basic structure for a Three-Tier Architecture in an ASP.NET Core Web API, implementing a Singleton Design Pattern for the Data Access Layer. Remember to adjust the code based on your specific requirements and consider using dependency injection for better testability and maintainability.
Enhancing ASP.NET Core Web API Responses with Consistent and Predictable Wrapper Classes
Sep 27, 2023.
In ASP.NET Core Web API, you can use wrapper classes to standardize the format of your API responses. A wrapper class typically contains a status code, a message, and the actual data payload. This helps in providing a consistent structure for your API responses, making it easier for clients to understand and handle them.
ASP.NET Core Web API For CRUD Operations With Cosmos DB
Sep 26, 2023.
Creating a complete ASP.NET Core Web API for CRUD operations with a Cosmos Database is a multi-step process. In this tutorial, we'll create a sample application called "CSharpCornerArticles" to manage articles. We'll cover all the necessary steps, including setting up the Cosmos DB, creating the Web API, and implementing CRUD operations.
Building a Robust ASP.NET Core Web API with PostgreSQL
Sep 26, 2023.
Creating a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation with a PostgreSQL database in an ASP.NET Core Web API is a common task in web development. In this article, we'll walk through the steps to build a Web API using ASP.NET Core, connect it to a PostgreSQL database, and perform CRUD operations on a model named CSharpCornerArticle. We'll also include a real-world use case for this model.
ASP.NET Core Web API for CRUD Operations with MySQL
Sep 25, 2023.
Creating a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API in ASP.NET Core with a MySQL database is a common scenario in web development. In this article, we'll walk through building a complete ASP.NET Core Web API with a real-world use case. We'll create a model called CSharpCornerArticle and implement CRUD operations for it using Entity Framework Core with MySQL.
Error Handling in .NET Core Web API with Custom Middleware
Sep 19, 2023.
In this article, we explore global exception handling in .NET Core Web APIs using Middleware. Middleware is a critical component in the request-response pipeline, offering flexibility in handling requests and responses. We'll guide you through the creation and implementation of a custom middleware for global exception handling.
Containerize the .NET Core 7 Web API with Docker and Kubernetes
Sep 16, 2023.
Containerize the .NET Core 7 Web API with Docker and Kubernetes
Content Negotiation in Web API with .NET 6/7
Sep 16, 2023.
In this article, we will explore how Content Negotiation works, why it is important, and how we can implement it in .NET 6, the latest version of the .NET that offers many improvements and new features for Web API development.
Containerization of the .NET Core 7 Web API using Docker: A Comprehens
Sep 11, 2023.
Learn how to containerize a .NET Core 7 Web API using Docker. This step-by-step guide covers prerequisites, creating a Web API, configuring routing, testing locally, and containerization with Docker. Ensure consistency and reliability across different environments with Docker containerization.
Securing ASP.NET Core Web API with JWT Authentication and Role-Based Authorization
Sep 09, 2023.
Securing APIs in an ASP.NET Core Web API involves implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect your resources and ensure that only authorized users can access them. In this example, I'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to secure an ASP.NET Core Web API using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) authentication and role-based authorization.
Containerization of the .NET Core 7 Web API using Docker
Sep 09, 2023.
Containerization of the .NET Core 7 Web API using Docker
Efficient PDF Generation in ASP.NET Core Web API Using DinkToPdf
Sep 09, 2023.
Generating PDF files in an ASP.NET Core Web API is a common requirement, and there are several libraries available to help with this task. In this example, I'll show you how to generate PDF files using the popular library called DinkToPdf, which is a .NET wrapper for the C library DinkToPdf. We'll also follow best practices for structuring your ASP.NET Core Web API project.
Optimizing ASP.NET Core Web API Performance with Azure Cache and CDN
Sep 05, 2023.
Using Azure Cache for Redis or a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can indeed help improve API response times and reduce the load on your server. In this example, I'll provide code snippets and steps to integrate Azure Cache for Redis and Azure CDN into an ASP.NET Core Web API application.
Excel Sheet Generation in .NET Core 6 Web API and Angular 15
Sep 04, 2023.
By implementing this approach, you create a hassle-free way for users to generate and download Excel sheets from your web application, improving data reporting and export capabilities. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where users need to work with tabular data in Excel format without manual data entry or complicated procedures.
API Documentation in ASP.NET Core Web API using Swagger/OpenAPI
Sep 02, 2023.
Creating comprehensive API documentation for an ASP.NET Core Web API using tools like Swagger/OpenAPI or NSwag is a crucial step in ensuring that your API is well-documented and easy for other developers to understand and use. Below, I'll provide you with a step-by-step example of how to generate API documentation using Swagger/OpenAPI in an ASP.NET Core Web API project.
Optimizing API Performance in ASP.NET Core Web API with MiniProfiler and Glimpse
Sep 01, 2023.
ASP.NET Core Web API's performance using tools like MiniProfiler and Glimpse. These tools are excellent for profiling and gaining insights into your application's performance, which can help you identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Here's a detailed guide:
Call Web API in .NET and Filter Data using Bootstrap Filters with Less Code
Aug 27, 2023.
We can filter records for each columns in table with single textbox or search. With less code and few mins, We can implement that feature to work on complex data.
Creating a WEB API POST Method to Retrieve Data from SQL Database using ASP.NET MVC Application
Aug 23, 2023.
In this article, I have explained how to create a WEB API POST method to retrieve data from SQL database using MVC Application.
ASP.NET Core Web API for Abusive Comments Detection
Aug 12, 2023.
Implementing abusive comments detection in an ASP.NET Core Web API involves utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and external APIs, such as the Perspective API from Google. This implementation aims to protect online platforms from harmful or offensive content. Here's a summary of the steps involved:
Building a Secure .NET Core Web API for Azure AD Integration with SharePoint Online SPFx
Aug 05, 2023.
Learn how to build a secure .NET Core Web API integrated with Azure AD for seamless authentication and authorization with SharePoint Online SPFx web parts. Enhance your application's security and user experience with this comprehensive guide.
Capturing Phishing Email Using Custom Middleware in ASP.Net Core Web API
Aug 02, 2023.
To capture and detect phishing emails using custom middleware in an ASP.NET Core Web API, you can follow these general steps:Create Custom Middleware: Create a custom middleware that will intercept incoming HTTP requests and inspect the email content for potential phishing indicators. Middleware in ASP.NET Core can be used to perform custom processing on incoming requests and outgoing responses.
Resolving CORS Origin Using Custom Middle ware in ASP.Net Web API
Aug 01, 2023.
In ASP.NET Core, middleware is a component or piece of software that sits in the request-response pipeline. Middleware is used to handle or modify incoming HTTP requests and outgoing HTTP responses. It provides a way to add custom logic and behaviors to the application's processing flow.
Fluent Validation ASP.NET Core Web API 6.0
Jul 31, 2023.
Powerful .NET validation library with clean, extendable rules and lambda expressions for easy data validation.
Flurl API Integration Tutorial for ASP.NET Core Web API with Advanced Concepts
Jul 31, 2023.
Flurl is a popular and easy-to-use library for working with HTTP APIs in .NET applications. It provides a fluent API for building and sending HTTP requests, as well as handling the responses in a convenient way.
Test Web API using HTTPREPL
Jul 25, 2023.
The HTTP Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) is a lightweight and cross-platform command-line tool that's supported everywhere .NET Core is supported. Using this tool you can start discovering and exploring web APIs just like as you are exploring files and folders in command prompt.
Client Credentials Flow - Call Web API to API without user interaction
Jul 18, 2023.
This article shows the way to call API to API with user interaction by using Client Credentials Flow.
Generate PDF Files in .NET Core 6 Web API Using PDFSharp
Jul 17, 2023.
In this article, we will learn how to generate PDF Files in .NET Core 6 Web API Using PDFSharp. learn how to dynamically create PDF documents within a .NET Core 6 Web API application using PDFSharp.
Implementing Rate Limiting in .NET Core Web API using .NET 7.0
Jul 03, 2023.
How to use Rate Limiting in .Net Core Web API using .NET 7.0
Calling Web API to Web API without User Interaction by using Azure Managed Identity
Jun 30, 2023.
This article will walk you through connecting two web APIs without any login or user interaction. It is referred to as "Server-to-Server" or "Service-to-Service" communication. You may securely authenticate and authorize the caller web API to access the target web API using Azure Managed Identity, allowing for smooth interaction between the two services. When a Web API with Managed Identity needs to call another Web API, it can use its Managed Identity to authenticate and authorize the request without requiring explicit credentials.
A React Front-end with a .NET Web API Back-end Application
Jun 12, 2023.
This content provides an introduction to building a simple application using React for the front-end and a .NET Core Web API for the back-end. It includes code snippets and instructions for setting up the project.
Custom JWT Handler In ASP.Net Core 7 Web API
May 26, 2023.
In ASP.NET Core Web API, you can create a custom JWT (JSON Web Token) handler to handle token authentication and authorization. The custom handler lets you define your logic for validating and processing JWT tokens.
Create and deploy ASP.NET Core Web API to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprint
May 11, 2023.
In this article, you will see how to create and deploy ASP.NET core Web API to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using the CodeCatalyst blueprint.
How To Call Web API In Next JS Application Using Axios
Mar 27, 2023.
In this article, you will learn how to call API using Axios in Next JS application.
Get Started With ASP.NET Core Web API With Entity Framework core
Mar 14, 2023.
Tutorial to create ASP.NET Core Web API using Entity Framework Core - NET 6.0 - using EF Core Power Tools
ChatGPT Completions In .NET Core Web API And Angular 15
Feb 08, 2023.
Here we are going to discuss, how to integrate OpenAI with .Net Core and Angular 15.
CRUD Operations Using ASP.NET Core Web API And ReactJS
Jan 30, 2023.
This article will explain how to create ReactJS application and consume ASP.NET Core Web API requests to fetch the movie's data.
Using XML Comments As Web API Documentation With Swagger
Jan 18, 2023.
This article demonstrage how to use C# XML Comments as a Web API documentation with Swagger.
Deploy And Run .NET Core 7 Web API On Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Jan 02, 2023.
In this article, you will learn how to deploy and Run .NET Core 7 Web API on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Deploy And Run .NET Core 7 Web API On Azure Container Registry And Container Instance
Dec 26, 2022.
In this article, you will learn how to deploy and Run .NET Core 7 Web API on Azure Container Registry and Container Instance
CRUD Operations In Azure Cosmos DB SQL API Using ASP.NET Core Web API C#
Nov 28, 2022.
In this article , we will learn how to make Insert, update, read, delete from Azure Cosmos DB SQL API Using ASP.NET Core API C#
ASP.NET Core 6 Web API CRUD With Entity Framework
Nov 24, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET Core 6 Web API CRUD With Entity Framework.
React And .NET Core 6.0 Web API Sample Project with Docker
Nov 11, 2022.
This article will explain the CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in ASP.NET Core 6.0 WEP API using Entity Framework Core Code First approach.
ASP.NET Core Web API Clean Architecture With JWT Authentication
Nov 09, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET Core API Clean Architecture With JWT authentication and Swagger.
How To Publish ASP.NET Core Web API To Amazon ECS Fargate Using Visual Studio 2022
Nov 01, 2022.
In this article, you will learn how to publish ASP.NET Core Web API to Amazon ECS Fargate using Visual Studio 2022.
How To Get The Dataverse Web API Endpoint Details In The Microsoft PowerApps
Oct 26, 2022.
Step by step process to get the Dataverse Web API Details in Microsoft Power Apps
Consume The .NET Core 6 Web API In PowerShell Script And Perform CRUD Operation
Oct 18, 2022.
In this article, you will learn how to consume the .NET Core 6 Web API in PowerShell script and perform CRUD operation
Hosting .NET Core Web API images With Docker Compose over HTTPS
Oct 08, 2022.
Hosting .NET Core Web API images with Docker Compose over HTTPS using certificate
CRUD Web API Service Call Function In WPF Application
Sep 15, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about CRUD Web API Service Call Function In WPF Application.
.NET Core 3.1 Web API CRUD
Aug 29, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about .Net Core 3.1 Web API CRUD using EF Core.
Polymorphism In Web API .Net Core 6
Aug 22, 2022.
In this article, you will learn how to expose polymorphic data in the same controller's method.
Making WEB API Call Using JWT Token
Aug 21, 2022.
In this article, I have explained how developer can use JWT token while making a WEB API Call from .Net MVC project.
Consuming Web API Using jQuery(AJAX)
Aug 09, 2022.
in this article, I will explain how we can access data from a web API using ajax jQuery.
How To Convert Console Project To Web API Project
Jul 26, 2022.
In this article, I will explain how we can convert a console project into a web API project and the changes required in this conversion process.
SignalR Introduction And Implementation Using The .NET Core 6 Web API And Angular 14
Jul 25, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about SignalR introduction and implementation using the.NET Core 6 Web API and Angular 14.
Easy To Learn .NET 6.0 and Angular - Standalone Template and WEB API Publish to IIS – Part 5
Jul 17, 2022.
In this article, we will see in detail on how to get started with the .NET 6.0 and Standalone Angular Template with WEB API and Publishing both WEB API and Angular projects to the IIS(Internet Information Service).
Global Error Handling in ASP.NET Core Web API using NLog
Jul 16, 2022.
In this article we will learn how to handle exception at global level using NLog. Exception handling is one of most important functionalities of any application. Here we will learn how to configure NLog to log Info, Error, Warning, Debug, Trace information and we will learn how to create middleware to handle the error at global level. Here I will try to explain it step by step.
Consume Web API By MVC In .NET Core (4), .NET Clients
Jul 04, 2022.
In this article, you will learn how to consume Web API By MVC In .NET Core (4), .NET Clients.
Host And Publish .NET Core 6 Web API Application On IIS Server
Jul 03, 2022.
In this article, you will learn how to host and Publish .NET Core 6 Web API Application on IIS Server.