Related resources for Code Reusability
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  • AngularJS Data Handling: Filters and Reusability Techniques4/19/2024 11:05:29 AM. Explore AngularJS filters for efficient data manipulation. Learn to create custom filters and utilize built-in filters like orderBy, limitTo, lowercase, and uppercase. Enhance code reusability and sim
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  • The CodeLib Program12/28/2005 2:31:32 AM. Reusability of code is one of the common practice in a programmer's daily life.
  • An insight into Code Reusability and COM Interoperability : Part I12/23/2005 5:20:31 AM. Code reusability is the art of using existing code to achieve better productivity and ease of maintenance. The concept of reusability is not new. Its existence has been evident since the evolution of mankind.
  • Object Oriented: The Grownup Way to Code12/19/2005 7:39:37 AM. Back in my dark days of Procedural Programming, I remember someone giving me a problem, then banging out a few (hundred) lines of code, achieving my goal, and going on with my life. The next time a similar problem would arise, I’d rewrite, or in some cases, cut & paste my old code to achieve a similar, yet slightly different outcome.