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  • Create FAQ BOT Using QnA Cognitive Service And Integrate BOT Service To The Microsoft Teams2/28/2020 9:27:39 AM. In this article, you will learn how to create faq bot using qna cognitive service and integrate bot service to the microsoft teams.
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  • C# Faq 4 - How Do I Configure C# Compiler11/29/2015 11:14:59 AM. This article helps you to learn the initial steps required to compile a C# program from DOS command prompt.
  • Microsoft Azure FAQs11/23/2015 4:07:57 AM. This article addresses some basic FAQs regarding azure platform, subscription and services.
  • C# FAQ 3 - Getting Started With C#10/31/2015 1:48:57 AM. This article examines the basics concepts associated with C# programming such as CLR, Class libraries and namespaces.
  • C# FAQ 2 - About .NET Framework And Visual Studio10/31/2015 1:38:16 AM. This FAQ examines the concepts associated with .NET Framework, CLR, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Community and Visual Studio Online.
  • C# FAQ 1 - What Is Object Oriented Programming?10/9/2015 9:02:45 AM. In this article you will learn about Object Oriented Programming with C#.
  • ASP.NET SignalR: FAQs on SignalR Script Exceptions4/26/2015 5:23:15 PM. In this article we will learn about SignalR Script Exception.
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) - FAQ's1/29/2015 3:39:49 AM. In this article we will discuss abour Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which is must and essential for every architect.
  • LINQ FAQ Part39/19/2014 1:34:12 AM. This is the third series in my LINQ FAQ series. In this series we will cover LINQ FAQ’s related to concurrency handling, compiled queries, CRUD implementation and mapping simple .NET classes with XML file configuration. I love to write articles in FAQ format for the only purpose that they are to the point and you can get to know more by reading less.
  • LINQ FAQ Part 29/19/2014 1:26:33 AM. This FAQ article is dedicated to LINQ to SQL. In this article we will see a basic example of LINQ to SQL, how to define 1-1 and 1-many relationship using LINQ, how we can optimize LINQ queries, execution of stored procedures using LINQ and finally we will see a simple CRUD example using LINQ to SQL. For past some days I was running small sprint to complete this marathon I hope you will like this article.
  • SilverLight FAQ's - Part 39/18/2014 6:42:55 AM. This article discusses 12 FAQ’s which revolve around bindings, layouts, consuming WCF services and how to connect to database through SilverLight.
  • Silverlight FAQ part 2 (Animations and Transformations)9/18/2014 6:36:05 AM. This FAQ is completed dedicated to animations and transformations using Silverlight. The tutorial starts with animation basics like timelines and storyboard. Later the article moves ahead to talk about different animations supported and we finally end the tutorial with a simple rectangle animation.
  • Crystal and Reporting Services FAQ - Part 29/18/2014 4:43:47 AM. This article is the continuation of Crystal and Reporting Services FAQ - Part 1. This FAQ will give you a quick start for two giant reports on Crystal and Reporting Services.
  • SharePoint Quick Start FAQ: Part V9/18/2014 1:56:56 AM. This is the 5th tutorial of SharePoint FAQ series. This series will mainly concentrate on custom columns, content types and document list library. I am sure once your read this article your thinking of how SharePoint organizes document centralization will change.
  • SharePoint Quick Start FAQ - Part 49/18/2014 1:48:06 AM. This is my fourth series of SharePoint Quick Start FAQ. In this series the theme is WebPart , WebPart and WebPart J.  So let’s enjoy the WebPart bonanza.
  • ADO.NET FAQ's: Part I9/15/2014 6:33:26 AM. This is the Part I of ADO.NET. In this section we will touch base on one of important concepts in ADO.NET.
  • Architecture FAQ for Localization and Globalization: Part I9/15/2014 5:13:05 AM. In this article we will go through a series of FAQ which will give you a quick start on making application multi-language based.
  • ASP.NET FAQ's: Part 29/15/2014 4:54:42 AM. This is Part 2 of ASP.NET Interview Questions section in this also we will touch base on one of important concepts in ASP. NET.
  • ASP.NET FAQ's: Part I9/15/2014 4:41:57 AM. In this article, we will touch base on one of important concepts in ASP.Net.
  • Caching FAQ's: Part II9/15/2014 4:38:56 AM. This is 2nd part of Caching FAQ's. In this section we will touch base on one of important concepts in .Net Caching.
  • Caching FAQ's: Part I9/15/2014 4:36:29 AM. In this section we will touch base on one of important concepts in .NET Caching.
  • SharePoint Quick Start FAQ: Part III9/5/2014 4:56:05 AM. This is my third series of SharePoint Quick Start FAQ. We will cover page templates , page instances , WSS model , understand safe mode processing , deploy custom controls and understand WebParts. So let’s drink the SharePoint wine series by series, slowly , maintain the hangover and enjoy this great product.
  • SharePoint Quick Start FAQ: Part II9/5/2014 4:51:17 AM. In the previous session of SharePoint article we had discussed about the basics of SharePoint. In this session we will - create site / site collection, understand the ready made functional reusable modules, learn how we can display a simple page and later apply master pages of SharePoint, host a Inline code and behind code page in SharePoint, understand the concept of features and understand step by step how to enable / disable a feature, how do display a feature in Admin.
  • SharePoint Quick Start FAQ: Part I9/5/2014 4:44:04 AM. Below is quick start FAQ for people who are new to share point. We will warm up some theory in the first two articles and then do some practical on the same lines.
  • Execution Order of Filters in MVC 4 With Practices: Important FAQ6/13/2014 6:01:06 PM. This article describes the execution order of filters in MVC with practices.
  • WCF Service FAQs - Part 412/10/2012 6:18:12 PM. This WCF Service Tutorial is Part 4 in a series of WCF Service FAQs.
  • Find an Operating System version12/1/2012 3:57:25 AM. This tutorial gives description about OS Version using Env classes
  • WCF Service FAQs: Part 310/16/2012 3:24:22 PM. This is a Part 3 of the WCF Service FAQs.
  • LINQ FAQ for Newbie's 9/30/2012 4:18:50 AM. In this article we will run through basics of LINQ and then see 5 basic LINQ queries which you will always need in your project for queries. While looking at the basics we will also try to learn what problem LINQ solves from the perspective of middle tier business objects.
  • LINQ FAQ for Newbie's 9/30/2012 3:46:26 AM. In this section we will run through basics of LINQ and then see 5 basic LINQ queries which you will always need in your project for queries. While looking at the basics we will also try to learn what problem LINQ solves from the perspective of middle tier business objects.
  • 12 Important FAQ on VSTS Testing9/29/2012 6:19:35 AM. This article has 12 important FAQ which covers unit testing, automated testing, data driven test, LOAD / performance test, code coverage, database testing and ordered testing.
  • SQL Query Optimization FAQ Part 1 (With video explanation)5/20/2012 4:20:41 AM. In this article we will first try to understand what is a SQL plan, how is it created and then we will move towards understanding how to read the SQL plan. As we read the SQL plan we will try to understand different operators like table scan, index seek scan, clustered scan, RID lookup etc. We will also look in to the best practices associated with clustered and non-clustered indexes and how they function internally. We will practically see how indexed views increase performance and in what scenarios we should use the same.
  • JQuery FAQ12/28/2011 10:55:17 AM. Here are some frequently asked questions about JQuery.
  • Debugging, Tracing and Instrumentation in .NET and ASP.NET (14 FAQ)1/28/2011 2:29:23 AM. Diagnosing a software application is an art and this art has to be more skillful when in production. In the development environment you have the complete VS IDE tool so diagnosing is much easier. In a production environment as a best practice you do not install Visual Studio IDE. So in production it’s like fighting with a Lion without a knife.
  • Azure FAQ: Part I12/28/2009 5:46:19 AM. Different people have different obsessions and I have this stupid obsession of writing articles in FAQ formats :-) . The more I try to write articles in normal format I end up with a FAQ. My only thought process of writing articles in FAQ format is that we end up talking to the point rather than talking about trees and rivers , many may disagree.
  • .NET 4.0 FAQ: Part I - The DLR10/13/2009 7:13:17 AM. In this section we will look in to new features provided by .NET 4.0 framework. We have a glance on some important features, DLR, subsystems of DLR, dynamic object and expand objects.
  • Silverlight FAQs8/7/2009 12:25:00 AM. In this article you will learn about Silverlight.
  • Project Management Costing - FAQ's5/21/2009 5:54:57 AM. This is a short and sweet FAQ which iterates through the most common metrics which will help you judge your project health.
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Beginners FAQ 4/22/2009 5:40:39 AM. In this article we will go through FAQ's from WPF section. We will start first with understanding why WPF..? and later we will create a small sample hello world project for WPF which will make us understand WPF much better.
  • Project Management Schedule Management FAQ series4/14/2009 4:13:11 AM. In this article we will run through a quick FAQ for schedule management of software projects.
  • SharePoint workflow basics4/8/2009 6:18:41 AM. In this article we will understand the basics of sharepoint workflow , the life cycle of sharepoint work flow and finally we implement a simple work flow using the three-state work flow which is available in share point.
  • Ajax Quick Start FAQ 2/4/2009 4:01:58 AM. This FAQ is like a starter kit. It will help you understand the main aspects of Ajax in a rapid fashion....
  • Windows Workflow Foundation(WWF) - FAQ1/5/2009 12:24:41 AM. In this FAQ we will quickly run through and get a feel of how WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation) will help you in making custom work flows in your project.
  • (WPF) Windows Presentation Foundation - FAQ1/2/2009 6:21:51 AM. In this section we will make a quick walkthrough of WPF which will help you understand WPF instantly.
  • C# and .NET12/21/2005 1:47:50 AM. It is sometimes important to know the details of what the compiler does. You may want to know whether constants are evaluated at compile time, or whether constant strings are folded at compile time.