Related resources for XML Serialization
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  • Use Of Serialization In C#9/24/2023 8:23:14 PM. In this article I will demonstrate the use of serialization and how to perform XML serialization.
  • XML Serialization in practice: Preparing The Central Bank Service2/17/2023 10:38:57 AM. Learn XML serialization in practice. In the second part of our article, we will get acquainted with XML serialization and look at the use of the Central Bank's XML service in real practice.
  • XML with C#8/25/2022 7:17:34 AM. Through this article you will learn how to handle XML in c#.
  • XML Serialization and Deserialization in C#8/23/2022 6:23:26 AM. In this article I would like to demonstrate a generic XML Serialization/Deserialization process.
  • Serialization in C# and .NET1/4/2022 10:47:20 AM. Serialization is a process through which an object's state is transformed into some serial data format, such as XML or binary format.
  • Implementation Of XML Serialization And Data Contract Serialization Utility In .NET11/24/2020 2:13:30 AM. Basic Idea about DeSerializer and Serializer; advantages and disadvantages of XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer; implementation XML and DataContract Serializer/ De-Serializer.
  • Using XML Serialization with C# and SQL Server8/22/2015 2:39:52 PM. In this article you will learn how to use XML Serialization with C# and SQL Server.
  • How to Create Config file with xml Serialization9/29/2012 10:30:36 AM. This is a simple example of how to use xml serialization to make configuration files.
  • XML Serialization in .NET Framework 2.0 : Part I9/29/2012 6:10:26 AM. This article introduces serializing objects to XML format.
  • Understanding Isolated Storage in Silverlight6/18/2012 3:19:52 AM. In the previous article we learned the fundamentals of Isolated Storage and how to write to files in isolated storage using the same classes you use for ordinary file access in a .NET application, such as StreamWriter and BinaryWriter.
  • Microsoft .NET and XML5/20/2012 6:32:07 AM. In this article I will explain you about Microsoft .NET and XML.
  • Best Practices in .NET XML Serialization of Complex Classes12/7/2010 8:20:11 PM. This article will show you XML serialization, so simply added in code, is not a magical stick. Serialization must be planned in full detail when working with complex classes, rather than expected to work by itself. Loss of planning work leads to redesign work later on, when maintaining serialization of original classes becomes too expensive or even hits the limit after which serialization of original classes is not possible without loss of data.