If Else Statement With AND OR Operator in C# Language


If Else statements to tell your program to do certain things only when the conditions you set up are true or not true. If else statements check if two things are equal. That is when you use the == operator. That different from the equal sine(=) operator. which you can use to set a value. We have check multiple condition in if else through using "AND" ( && ) or "OR"( || ) operator. See in given below figure.

If else figure with AND operator:


If else figure with OR operator:



using System; 

using System.Collections.Generic; 

using System.Linq; 

using System.Text; 


namespace if_else_statement_in_c_sarp


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            string id = "abc";

            int password = 123;

            int reset = 456;


            if (id == "abc" && password==123)   //Every if statement is Start with a conditional test


            //Always use Two equals(==) sine to check , if two things are equal to each other


                Console.WriteLine("helo {0}",id); // Inside statement run , When If Statement is True               



            else if(reset==456 || password==123)          //if else conditional statement with || ( 'OR' ) operator


                Console.WriteLine("helo {0}", id); // Inside statement run , When only one Statement is True              






