My C# Study Application with XML file

It has been about a week I am changing my latest code so it would use XML file as a database instead of Access Database. Why? Because I just got a laptop, which came with 64 bit Win 7. Somehow jet DB engine didn't like the new machine and OS... I checked around for the problem and there are some fixes and fix-arounds... I justs didn't want to deal with it more than I had to, so I decided to use XML as the program database.

Access database, ADODB connection code is much easier for me, since I had experiences in the past. One thing I don't like is to "bound" databases to controls on my applications. I like more freedom connecting to a database, not depending on automated ties and stuff. I like the SQL express edition, but again, it doesn't have the freedom I like to get. These days OS security settings bit more difficult to untie, and that probably is the biggest downsize of my approach, besides writing more code.

Ok, now let's talk about my C# program 'CodeDatabase' a little bit...

It's a very small, simple program. I have three fields that I keep in an XML file. ID, Code subject and main code. Program lets me search the subject field using wild-card option as default. I used text box for the main code viewer and ListView with 'Details' mode for my Code Subjects. I used two columns there. One to hide my ID field, and the other Code Subject name.

Code I am posting here could also be a good source for people who are starting C# and want to learn more about XML files. There are... creating a new XML file, editing an XML file, appending records into XML file, deleting records from an XML file and searching an XML file options included.

It is my study application. I am new in C# although not new in coding world. I had some gaps during 25 years, but I am getting there and catching up a little more everyday.

Following are my C# codes. It could be useful to put them here naked, to show to the other C# programmer. I am pretty sure most of the C# programmers will find many things wrong with the code, and I am open to suggestions, ideas, critiques etc.

(Please forgive my spelling and grammar errors here and in my code's comments... English is not my native language and I basically learned just using it in daily life, nothing more.)


Main Form Class

Code 1 of 4

using S
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Dat
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CodeDatabase
public partial class frmMain : Form
public frmMain()
// Form Main Constructor

private void GetSettings() // Method that gets the settings
// from 'app.ini' file if exist.
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class

if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object
EnableDisableButtons(false); // A private method to enable or
//desable some controls on the form

// Set some of the control values
if (clsIO.onTopOption == "1")
{ chkOnTop.Checked = true; }
else { chkOnTop.Checked = false; }

if (clsIO.WrapOption == "1")
TSWrap.Checked = true;
txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical;
txtCodeMain.WordWrap = true;
TSWrap.Checked = false;
txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both;
txtCodeMain.WordWrap = false;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
GetSettings(); // A private method to set some of the control values on the form

#region ToolTips
// Set some tooltips here
_toolTip.SetToolTip(btnCopy, "Copy to ClipBoard");
_toolTip.SetToolTip(btnNew, "Add new code with this subject");
_toolTip.SetToolTip(btnExit, "Exit program");
_toolTip.SetToolTip(lstSubjects, "Click to see the code");
_toolTip.SetToolTip(chkOnTop, "Check to keep this window top of all windows");
_toolTip.SetToolTip(btnSearch, "Search DB");
_toolTip.SetToolTip(txtCodeMain, "Double Click to copy code into clipboard");

// Resize the form using current screen size
this.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2;
this.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - 300;

if (btnNew.Enabled == true) // If 'new' button desabled, that means 'app.ini' file is missing
// or never creaated (first run)
FillSubjectList("*"); // 'app.ini' is exist. Load data into form

private void XMLCheck(string XMLCurrentLocation) // This method checks the path of the XML file
// It is important to have an xml file located or created
// before run the program very first time.
Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class

if (FsO.FileExists(XMLCurrentLocation) == false)
if (MessageBox.Show("XML file is not exist!. Continue with settings?", "Missing XML",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes)
frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings(); // Create instance of Settings form
// and show as dialog form.

private void FillSubjectList(string SearchWord) // This method fills the ListView object
// with all the code subjects or just selected
// subjects through the search box.
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance ofIOFile class

if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened bool sent by clsIO object
MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings();// Create instance of Settings form
// and show as dialog form.
// Reset some controls
lstSubjects.Items.Clear(); // Clear ListView
txtCodeMain.Text = "CODE VIEW"; // Put default text to main code viewer
txtSubject.Text = ""; // Clear Subject/Search box
lblSelected.Text = ""; // Clear Full Subject Name label

XMLCheck(clsIO.XMLPath); // Check the path of the XML file

XMLDatabase clsXML = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class
ArrayList CurrentSubjectList = new ArrayList(); // Create instance of ArrayList
// This will loaded with the ArrayList
// sent by clsXML object
string[] SplitText = new string[2]; // Each item in the array will contain a tring
// that will be splited by 'Backspace' character

CurrentSubjectList = clsXML.GetSubjectList(clsIO.XMLPath, SearchWord); // Get the ArrayList from clsXML
char Splitchr = (char)8; // 'char 8' is Backspace character.

foreach (string FullString in CurrentSubjectList) // Start looping the ArrayList
SplitText = FullString.Split(Splitchr); // Split Item
ListViewItem s_Items; // Set ListView item to add new information
s_Items = lstSubjects.Items.Add(SplitText[0]); // Add Subject ID to the first (not visiable) colomn
s_Items.SubItems.Add(SplitText[1]); // Add Subjectname to second (visiable) colomn

private void ExitApp()
if (btnNew.Enabled == true)
// Check if 'Auto Save' option is checked and if 'app.ini' file exist
// Before we save the setting file, we need to know
// what are the current settings and DB path value

IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class

if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object
// Just show an error message, but do nothing else
MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (clsIO.AutoSave == "1")
// Set default values in clsIO object
clsIO.onTopOption = "0";
clsIO.WrapOption = "0";
clsIO.AutoSave = "0";

// Then reset the values that are changed during use of the application
// By setting above settings to default made coding lesser when set them back here
if (chkOnTop.Checked == true)
{ clsIO.onTopOption = "1"; }

if (TSWrap.Checked == true)
{ clsIO.WrapOption = "1"; }

clsIO.createINIFile(); // Creating 'app.ini' file overwrites the older one
// with the new settings information

// Exit the program
if (Application.MessageLoop)
// Use this since we are a WinForms app
// Use this since we are a console app

private void EnableDisableButtons(bool EDButtons) // Change some of the control states here
// Menu items
TSAddNew.Enabled = EDButtons;
TSEdit.Enabled = EDButtons;
TSDelete.Enabled = EDButtons;
TSRefresh.Enabled = EDButtons;

// Buttons
btnSearch.Enabled = EDButtons;
btnNew.Enabled = EDButtons;
btnEdit.Enabled = EDButtons;
btnDelete.Enabled = EDButtons;

// Main codeview
txtCodeMain.Enabled = EDButtons;
txtSubject.Enabled = EDButtons;

private void GetMainCodeForSelectedListItem(int lineIndex) // This method fills the Main Code window
// with the code for selected ListView item
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class

if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object
MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings();
// No response needed from the dialog box, since there is nothing else follwoing in this method
XMLCheck(clsIO.XMLPath); // Check XML file path if the file exist

XMLDatabase clsXML = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class
txtCodeMain.Text = clsXML.XMLGetinfo(lstSubjects.Items[lineIndex].SubItems[0].Text, clsIO.XMLPath);
catch (Exception exc)
MessageBox.Show("Error while getting main code! : " + exc.Message,"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// Returned error from clsXML object

lblSelected.Text = lstSubjects.Items[lineIndex].SubItems[1].Text; // Full subject on the label

txtCodeMain.ForeColor = Color.Black; // Change the text color to black in main code view


private void lstSubjects_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Aparently this fires twice. Check if anything selected first
// this will by-pass the empty round.
if (lstSubjects.SelectedItems.Count > 0)

private void txtSubject_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
// As soon as start typing into search box, clear the main codeview
txtCodeMain.Text = "";
lblSelected.Text = "";

private void txtCodeMain_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Either double clicking on the main codeview or clicking
// on the 'C' (Copy) button gets a copy of all the text in the main codeview.

private void CopyAllMyText(bool blnSelectAll)
// Check to see if any text(s) selected in the TextBox control.
// This way either selected text or all can be copied into clipboard
if (txtCodeMain.SelectionLength == 0 || blnSelectAll == true)
// Select all text in the text box.
// Copy the contents of the control to the Clipboard.

private void chkOnTop_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set the form 'always on top' if selected
this.TopMost = chkOnTop.Checked;

private void txtCodeMain_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// If any changes made to the text in the code view
// change the text color to red to remind user to save
// the edited version
txtCodeMain.ForeColor = Color.Red;

#region BUTTONS

private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

// Program does wild-card search by default
// Put any word that you wish to find and listed

private void btnCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// 'Copy' button copies all text, or highligted text in the main code view.

private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void btnNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


#region MENU ITEMS

private void TSAddNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void TSEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void TSDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void TSWrap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// With 'word wrap' option, we set a couple other things...
if (TSWrap.Checked == false)
TSWrap.Checked = true;
txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical;
txtCodeMain.WordWrap = true;
TSWrap.Checked = false;
txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both;
txtCodeMain.WordWrap = false;

private void TSRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Send '*' to 'fillSubjectList' method for its 'SELECT' case
// to load all the items in subject field (Refresh the list box)

private void TSExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void TSAbout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set and show 'About' form. This form is a default 'About'
// from the Visual Studio itself.
AboutBox1 AboutBox = new AboutBox1();

private void TSCodeDatabase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class

if (FsO.FileExists("help.rtf") == true)
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("help.rtf"); // Open 'help.rtf' file if exist
MessageBox.Show("Missing help file (help.rtf).", "Help file", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

private void TSSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string a1 = "0";
string b1 = "0";
string c1 = "0";

// Set some of the variables that will pass to the settings form

IOFile clsIO = new IOFile();
if (clsIO.ErrHap == null)
if (chkOnTop.Checked == true)
{ a1 = "1"; }

if (TSWrap.Checked == true)
{ b1 = "1"; }

if (clsIO.AutoSave == "1") // there is no control on the form for the
// 'AutoSave' option. Get it from clsIO
{ c1 = "1"; }

frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings(a1, b1, c1);


private void DBWork(string DoThis)
string CurrentID = ""; // Current Subject ID set by the location of the listview's first field 'ID'.
string LastSubjectID; // Sets the Subject ID for the next record
string XMLCurrentPath; // Sets the latest recorded XML file path
string EndMessage; // Sets the message string per selected action
string MainCodeString = txtCodeMain.Text; // Main codeview text
string SubjectString = txtSubject.Text; // Subject text
MainCodeString = MainCodeString.Trim(); // Trim main code text
SubjectString = SubjectString.Trim(); // Trim subject text

IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of 'IOFile' class

if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object
MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings();

XMLCurrentPath = clsIO.XMLPath;

// Set the next ID value
XMLDatabase DBXml = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class
LastSubjectID = DBXml.GetLatestID(XMLCurrentPath);

if (DoThis == "Edit" || DoThis == "Delete")
if (lstSubjects.SelectedItems.Count == 0){ return; }
CurrentID = lstSubjects.Items[lstSubjects.SelectedIndices[0]].SubItems[0].Text;

// Process request in this 'Switch' statment
switch (DoThis)
case "New":
if (MainCodeString == "" || SubjectString == "")
MessageBox.Show("Please enter the code/subject before continue!", "Missing Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
DBXml.XMLwork(LastSubjectID, 'a', XMLCurrentPath, SubjectString, MainCodeString);
EndMessage = "New item added.";
case "Edit":
if (MainCodeString == "")
MessageBox.Show("Please enter the code before continue!", "Missing Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
DBXml.XMLwork(CurrentID, 'e', XMLCurrentPath, "", MainCodeString);
EndMessage = "Item edited.";
case "Delete":
if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure about deleting this record?", "Delete current record", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No)
DBXml.XMLwork(CurrentID, 'd', XMLCurrentPath, "", "");
EndMessage = "Item deleted.";

// Messagebox is necessary here to slow down the code for refresh
MessageBox.Show(EndMessage, "Process done.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

if (DoThis == "Edit")
txtCodeMain.ForeColor = Color.Black;
// Refill


Settings Form Class

Code 2 of 4

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CodeDatabase
public partial class frmSettings : Form
private string XMLDatabaseLocation = null;

// Form Main Constructor
public frmSettings()

// Form Main Constructor overload
public frmSettings(string OnTopStr, string WordWrapStr, string AutoSaveStr)

// Set some control values
if (OnTopStr == "1")
{ chkOnTop.Checked = true; }

if (WordWrapStr == "1")
{ chkWordWrap.Checked = true; }

if (AutoSaveStr == "1")
{ chkAutoSave.Checked = true; }

IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class

if (clsIO.ErrHap == null)
Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class
lblXML.Text = "XML File Name : " + FsO.GetFileName(clsIO.XMLPath); // XML file name into label box
XMLDatabaseLocation = clsIO.XMLPath; // Set XML file path

private void frmSettings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.TopMost = true; // Keep settings form on top of main form

private void btnLocateDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (fleOpen.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
{ return; }
XMLDatabaseLocation = fleOpen.FileName; // Set new location of the XML file

private void btnNewXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strNewLocation;
Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class

// If 'into program file' checked, just enter the name of XML file
// otherwise, open 'Save' dialog box to create new xml file into
// another location.
if (chkSameFolder.Checked != true)
if (fleSave.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
strNewLocation = fleSave.FileName;
lblXML.Text = FsO.GetFileName(fleSave.FileName);
strNewLocation = txtNewName.Text.Trim() + ".xml";
lblXML.Text = txtNewName.Text.Trim() + ".xml";

if (FsO.FileExists(fleSave.FileName) == true) // Make sure there are no other XML file with same name
if (MessageBox.Show("This XML file is allready exist. Would you like to overwrite?", "File Exist",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes)
FsO.DeleteFile(strNewLocation, true); // Overwrite will delete the existing file
// Sometime permission problems won't let program to delete files
MessageBox.Show("Can not create new XML!", "Write Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

XMLDatabaseLocation = strNewLocation;

XMLDatabase XMLDB = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class
XMLDB.XMLwork("", 'n', strNewLocation, "",""); // Create XML file
MessageBox.Show("New XML DB created succefuly");
MessageBox.Show("Error while writing new XML File!");

private void chkSameFolder_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Couple of control status need to change if 'Into same folder' option selected
if (chkSameFolder.Checked == true)
btnNewXML.Enabled = false;
txtNewName.Enabled = true;
btnNewXML.Enabled = true;
txtNewName.Enabled = false;
txtNewName.Text = "";

private void txtNewName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Force user not to use buttons before something in the text box
// In one condition only (Into same folder)

if (txtNewName.Text.Trim() == "" && chkSameFolder.Checked == true)
{ btnNewXML.Enabled = false; }
{ btnNewXML.Enabled = true; }

private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (XMLDatabaseLocation == null) // Check if XML location variable has any value
MessageBox.Show("Select or create an XML file first.", "Missing XML path", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class
clsIO.ErrHap = null; // Ignore any error for now.

// By calling 'BoolToString' method, set clsIO properties
clsIO.onTopOption = BoolToString(chkOnTop.Checked);
clsIO.WrapOption = BoolToString(chkWordWrap.Checked);
clsIO.AutoSave = BoolToString(chkAutoSave.Checked);
clsIO.XMLPath = XMLDatabaseLocation;

clsIO.createINIFile(); // Create 'app.ini' file

if (clsIO.ErrHap != null)
MessageBox.Show("Error while creating 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap
MessageBox.Show("'app.ini' file create dsuccefuly",

private string BoolToString(bool blnOption)
string strReturnValue = "0";
if (blnOption == true)
{ strReturnValue = "1"; }
return strReturnValue;

private void btnCloseApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Close(); // Close settings


IOFile Class (Custom class)

Code 3 of 4

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace CodeDatabase
class IOFile

// Set fields
private string _onTopOption;
private string _WrapOption;
private string _AutoSave;
private string _XMLPath;
private string _ErrHap = null;

// Set properties
public string onTopOption
get {return _onTopOption;} // 'Always on top' checkbox option on the main form
set { _onTopOption = value; }

public string WrapOption
get {return _WrapOption;} // 'Word wrap' option in the file menu of the main form
set { _WrapOption = value; }

public string AutoSave
get { return _AutoSave; } // 'Word wrap' option in the file menu of the main form
set { _AutoSave = value; }

public string XMLPath
get { return _XMLPath;} // XML path
set { _XMLPath = value; }

public string ErrHap
get { return _ErrHap; } // 'Always on top' checkbox option on the main form
set { _ErrHap = value; }

// IOFile Constructor
public IOFile()
string[] SettingItem = new string[4]; // there are only 4 lines to read from the ini file
// set the array for that number
int i = 0;
Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class

if (FsO.FileExists("app.ini") == true) // Check if 'app.ini' is exist
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("app.ini")) // Open 'app.ini' file
SettingItem[i] = Convert.ToString(sr.ReadLine());
if (SettingItem[i] == null) { break; } // Set the array values
while (i < SettingItem.Length);

if (i < (SettingItem.Length - 1)) // If 'while' loop ends early
// there could be a file error
_ErrHap = "1";
else // set property values
_onTopOption = SettingItem[0]; // a1
_WrapOption = SettingItem[1]; // b1
_AutoSave = SettingItem[2]; // c1
_XMLPath = SettingItem[3]; // d1
catch (Exception exc)
_ErrHap = exc.Message; // other file read error
_ErrHap = "2"; // 'app.ini' file is not exist

public void createINIFile()
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("app.ini")) // Open 'app.ini' to write
catch (Exception exc)
_ErrHap = exc.Message ; // error when try to write to a file



XML Class (Custom class)

Code 4 of 4

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;

namespace CodeDatabase
class XMLDatabase
public void XMLwork(string SubjectID, char XMLProcess, string XMLPath, string CodeSubject, string CodeMain)
switch (XMLProcess)
case 'n':
// Create new XML Document
// **********************************************************************
XmlTextWriter XMLWrite = new XmlTextWriter(XMLPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

XMLWrite.WriteElementString("ID", "1");
XMLWrite.WriteElementString("DBSubject", "Welcome");
XMLWrite.WriteElementString("DBCode", "Thank you for using CodeDatabase by Leo Koach (2010)");

case 'a':
// Append a node with information to same XML file
// **********************************************************************

XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement subRoot = xmlDoc.CreateElement("NewCode");

XmlElement appendedElementID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ID");
XmlText xmlTextID = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(GetLatestID(XMLPath));

XmlElement appendedElementSubject = xmlDoc.CreateElement("DBSubject");
XmlText xmlTextSubject = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(CodeSubject);

XmlElement appendedElementCode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("DBCode");
XmlText xmlTextCode = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(CodeMain);

case 'e':
//Change information on a node
// **********************************************************************
XmlDocument XMLEdit = new XmlDocument();

XmlElement XMLEditNode = XMLEdit.DocumentElement;

foreach (XmlNode node in XMLEditNode)
if (node["ID"].InnerText == SubjectID)
node["DBCode"].InnerText = CodeMain;
case 'd':
// Removing a node
// **********************************************************************
XmlDocument XMLDelete = new XmlDocument();

XmlElement XMLDeleteNode = XMLDelete.DocumentElement;

foreach (XmlNode node in XMLDeleteNode)
if (node["ID"].InnerText == SubjectID)
throw new Exception("1");

public string XMLGetinfo(string SubjectID, string XMLPath)
string StrInf = "";

// Retreive a nod from the same XML file
// **********************************************************************
XmlDocument XMLRead = new XmlDocument(); // Create instance of XmlDocument class

XMLRead.Load(XMLPath); // Set XMLRead object's path value

XmlNodeList XMLItems = XMLRead.SelectNodes("Codes/NewCode"); // Create instance of XmlNodeList class
// and set its node value

foreach (XmlNode node in XMLItems) // Loop Node for the child node items
if (node["ID"].InnerText == SubjectID) // Find the ID number
StrInf = node["DBCode"].InnerText; // Set return value to Main Code value from the XML file
break; // Exit loop
return StrInf;
catch (Exception exc)
throw exc;

public string GetLatestID(string xmlFilePath)
int LastIDEntry = 0;
// Get the last ID of the ID field.
// **********************************************************************
XmlDocument XMLGetLastID = new XmlDocument();

XmlNodeList XMLItems = XMLGetLastID.SelectNodes("Codes/NewCode");

foreach (XmlNode node in XMLItems)
LastIDEntry = Convert.ToInt32(node["ID"].InnerText) + 1;
return Convert.ToString(LastIDEntry);

public ArrayList GetSubjectList(string xmlFilePath, string FindWord)
ArrayList SubjectArray = new ArrayList();
string nodeString;
string UpperFindWord;
UpperFindWord = FindWord.ToUpper();

// Get the last ID of the ID field.
// **********************************************************************
XmlDocument XMLGetLastID = new XmlDocument();

XmlNodeList XMLItems = XMLGetLastID.SelectNodes("Codes/NewCode");
char Splitchr = (char)8; // backspace
foreach (XmlNode node in XMLItems)
if (FindWord == "*") // Get all the Code Subjects
SubjectArray.Add(node["ID"].InnerText + Splitchr + node["DBSubject"].InnerText);
nodeString = node["DBSubject"].InnerText.ToUpper();
if (nodeString.IndexOf(UpperFindWord) != -1) // Find only selected wording
SubjectArray.Add(node["ID"].InnerText + Splitchr + node["DBSubject"].InnerText);
return SubjectArray;