SharePoint Designer 2013: If any Value Equals Value Condition

Please refer my previous article to learn more about SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflows. 


This condition is initially displayed in a workflow step as If any value equals value. Use this condition when you want to compare one value with another value. Each value can be static text, a dynamic string, or a lookup to a variable, to context information, or to a SharePoint field.

You can select from a wide range of operators in your condition, such as contains and is greater than. To do so, you must set the first value in the condition and then click equals. The operators that are available depend on what the first value in the condition is set to.

In this example, I will check if the “Technology” field value is equal to “SharePoint”, if the condition is satisfied, then the current item “Notes” field is updated with string value “Condition satisfied - SharePoint value is selected.” and if the condition is not satisfied then the current item “Notes” field is updated with string value “Condition not satisfied - [%Current Item:Technology%]”.

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