Introduction to XML Checkpoint in Testing

By adding XML checkpoints to the test, the contents of individual XML data files or documents that are part of your web application can be verified.


Creating XML Checkpoints

Checkpoints can be applied on XML documents contained in web pages or frames, on XML files, and on test objects that support XML.


An XML checkpoint is a verification point that compares a current value for a specified XML element, attribute and/or value with its expected value. When a checkpoint is added, Quicktest adds a checkpoint step in the keyword view and adds a check checkpoint statement in the Expert View.


When the test script is executed, Quicktest compares the expected results of the checkpoint to the current results. If results do not match then the checkpoint fails. Results can be viewed in the test results window.

Three types of XML checkpoints can be created:

  1. XML web page/Frame checkpoint. Checks an XML document within a web page or frame.
  2. XML file checkpoint. Checks a specified XML file.
  3. XML test object checkpoint. Checks the XML data for an object or operation.


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