About Schema In SQL Server

About Schema

A database Schema is defined as a concept to logically group objects such as tables, views, stored procedures etc. Schema is a layout of the tables, data types, relations etc. act as a container of objects.

All objects within a schema must have a unique name and the name of the schema should also be unique in the database.

How to Create Schema:


  1. Create Schema Schema_Name <Schema element>Data types  
  1. CREATE TABLE Product1    
  2. (    
  3.    iProductID INT IDENTITY(1,1)     
  4.    ,vProductName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL    
  5.    ,vManfacturer VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL    
  6.    ,LastUpdated DATETIME DEFAULT GETDATE() ,    
  7.    PRIMARY KEY (iProductID, vManfacturer, vProductName)    
  9. )  
Example of Schema Created : A schema is created as in the following,


Once schema is created you can perform any SQL query like Update, Alter, Insert, Delete or Drop Schema.

Example: Here I used Insert Query.
  1. INSERT INTO Product1(vProductName, vManfacturer) VALUES('Television','Samsung')  


How To Drop Schema
: To drop schema follow the given syntax:

  1. DROP Schema Schema_Name  

To view the Schema Change History follow the below steps:

Firstly, go to your Server Object Explorer, then right click on selected server. Now select Reports, after that select Standard Reports, then click on Schema Change History option as in the following screenshot,


A new query tab will be opened with all DDL Statements executed status with Server Name, Database Name, History (Since date & time), Object Name, Type, DDL Operation detail with Time as given below:


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