Creating SQL Server Database Dynamically in .NET Using SQL DMO


It is a sample ASP.Net (VS2005) application for creating a database in Sql server Runtime. I have used SQL-DMO dll. This article will show you how to create a database in Sql server 2005 & 2000.

Some important functions are discussed below:

Add reference to SQL-DMO dll

You can do this by right clicking the project in Solution Explorer, then selecting 'Add Reference', COM components and the latest version of "Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library".

Available Server

SQLDMO.Application oSQLServerDMOApp = new SQLDMO.Application();

SQLDMO.NameList oNameList;

oNameList = oSQLServerDMOApp.ListAvailableSQLServers();

for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex <= oNameList.Count - 1; intIndex++)


    if (oNameList.Item(intIndex as object) != null)









cboServers.SelectedIndex = 0;

Create a database on the server


string strDatabaseName = "";

SQLDMO.SQLServer gSQLServerDMO = new SQLDMO.SQLServer();

SQLDMO.Database nDatabase = new SQLDMO.Database();

SQLDMO.DBFile nDBFileData = new SQLDMO.DBFile();

SQLDMO.LogFile nLogFile = new SQLDMO.LogFile();


strDatabaseName = txt_Database.Text.ToString();




    gSQLServerDMO.Connect(this.cboServers.SelectedItem.ToString(), this.txtUser.Text, this.txtPassword.Text);


    nDatabase.Name = strDatabaseName;

    nDBFileData.Name = strDatabaseName;

    nDBFileData.PhysicalName = gSQLServerDMO.Registry.SQLDataRoot + "\\DATA\\" + strDatabaseName + "_Data.mdf";

    nDBFileData.PrimaryFile = true;

    nDBFileData.Size = 2;



    nDBFileData.FileGrowth = 1;


    //Add the DBFile object




    nLogFile.Name = strDatabaseName + "Log";

    nLogFile.PhysicalName = gSQLServerDMO.Registry.SQLDataRoot + "\\DATA\\" + strDatabaseName + "_Log.ldf";

    nLogFile.Size = 2;




    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Error", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Database Sucessfully Created');</script>");




catch (Exception SQLDBException)


    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Error", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('" + SQLDBException.Message + "');</script>");




