Weather From Weather Underground Using NINTEX Workflow in SharePoint 2013 Online

Wunderground Weather is a new action introduced in NINTEX workflow for SharePoint 2013 that can be added from the NINTEX store. Using this action you will be able to get the weather for a specific city. To explain this action I have created a custom list with the following columns:

Workflow Design

Create Weather Workflow

  1. Navigate to the Office 365 site (
  2. Click on the custom list link in the quick launch bar. Click on the List tab and then click on the NINTEX Workflow button in the ribbon interface.

  3. Drag and drop the Wunderground Weather action from the Integration section.

  4. Click on the down arrow and then click on Configure.

  5. Set the Country Name, City Name and Units of measurement as shown below. Create workflow variables for Temperature, Humidity and Winter Condition and set the workflow variables as shown below. Click on the Save button.

  6. Drag and drop an Update list item action from the Libraries and Lists section.
  7. Click on the down arrow and then click on Configure.
  8. Set the workflow variables to the current item as shown below.

  9. Click on the Save button.

Publish the workflow

  1. Click on the Publish button in the ribbon interface.
  2. Make sure the Title is set; optionally you can set the value for Description. Select the Task List, History List and Start options.

  3. Click on the Publish button. The Workflow will be validated.

  4. The workflow is published successfully.

Test the workflow

  1. Navigate to the custom list.
  2. Select the item and then click on Workflows in the ribbon interface.

  3. Click on Weather Workflow and then click on the Start button.
  4. After a few minutes the Temperature, Humidity and Wind Condition are updated as shown below.


Thus in this article you have seen how to get the weather from Weather Underground using a NINTEX workflow in SharePoint 2013 Online.