Insert Statement With PHP Script


Hi guys, In this article we are going to have a glance at the insert into statement through php. The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table. Here we are going to explore the concept thoroughly. You must have the required XAMPP server; if you do not have XAMPP server then go to the link

Note : To create the database go to

Insert Data Into a Database Table

Here in this section, the INSERT INTO statement is used to add new records to a database table.


We can use the insert into command in two forms. It is possible to write the INSERT INTO statement in two forms.

  • In this it doesn't specify the column names where the data will be inserted, only their values.
    1. INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3,..) 
  • The second form specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted.
    1. INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...)  

PHP Script for inserting the data into table

  1. <html>  
  2. <body bgcolor="skyblue">  
  3. <center>  
  4. <h3> Inserting data into database table ! <h3>  
  5. <hr>  
  6. <?php  
  7. $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");  
  8. if (!$con)  
  9.   {  
  10.   die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());  
  11.   }  
  12. mysql_select_db("dwij"$con);  
  13. mysql_query("INSERT INTO PBL (FirstName, LastName, Age) VALUES ('DEEPAK', 'DWIJ', '25')");  
  14. mysql_query("INSERT INTO PBL (FirstName, LastName, Age) VALUES ('Prerna', 'Kaul', '23')");  
  15. echo "Record inserted into table PBL ! ";  
  16. mysql_close($con);  
  17. ?>   
  18. </center>  
  19. </body>  
  20. </html>
Save it by insert.php


To run the code, Open the XAMPP server and start the services like Apache and MySQL. Open the browser and type: http://localhost/yourfoldername/insert.php 


To show where the data is inserted, open the browser and type in the url:



Insert Data From a Form Into a Database

Here in this section we will insert data into a database table from the front end.

HTML Script

  1. <html>  
  2. <body bgcolor="Lightgreen">  
  3. <center>  
  4. <h2>  Inserting Data into PBL table ! <h2>  
  5. <hr>  
  6. <form action="phppage.php" method="post">  
  7. Firstname: <input type="text" name="firstname"><br><br>  
  8. Lastname: <input type="text" name="lastname"><br><br>  
  9. Age: <input type="text" name="age"><br><br><br>  
  10. <input type="submit">  
  11. </form>  
  12. </center>  
  13. </body>  
  14. </html>  

Save it as Main.php.

PHP Script

  1. <html>  
  2. <body bgcolor="Skyblue">  
  3. <center>  
  4. <h3> Data Inserted into PBL table ! <h3>  
  5. <hr>  
  6. <?php  
  7. $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");  
  8. if(!$con)  
  9.   {  
  10.   die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());  
  11.   }  
  12. mysql_select_db("dwij"$con);  
  13. $sql="INSERT INTO PBL (FirstName, LastName, Age)   
  14. VALUES('$_POST[firstname]','$_POST[lastname]','$_POST[age]')";  
  15. if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))  
  16.   {  
  17.   die('Error: ' . mysql_error());  
  18.   }  
  19. echo "1 record added";  
  20. mysql_close($con)  
  21. ?>   
  22. </center>  
  23. </body>  
  24. </html>  
Save it as phppage.php.


To run the code, Open the XAMPP server and start the services like Apache and MySQL. Open the browser type: 



After clicking on the submit Query button the next page will be as follows:


To show where the data is inserted, open the browser and type in the url http://localhost/phpmyadmin/


Select the database 'dwij' from the left corner of the figure shown above.


Now click on the 'pbl' from the left corner of the page shown above; you will get the final result.


Conclusion: Inserting data from the front end is an important task; now you can easily work with Insert statement with PHP script.


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