How to Embed PHP Code Into HTML Page


In this article I will explain how to Embed php code in html page. You can directly applying php code in html page this techniques is one of the main advantage of php language embedding PHP code in HTML page. To embed PHP code in HTML pages we define to outline blocks of PHP code so save the page with the special extension (.php).



       echo "Hello World";


Above I used simple PHP code and this PHP code I will use in HTML page. Such as


<title>First Application of PHP</title>


<h3>Here Embed PHP code!</h3>


       echo "hello World";





 Above example page save as (form.php) and You will get the output on the browser same.




As you can see in the above example, I have very simply embedded the php block code into our HTML page and very important that the php code blocks on a HTML page can be used as many times as you want.





<title>First Application Of PHP</title>


<h3>Here Embed PHP code!</h3>


       echo "hello world";


<p>Again use PHP Code</h3></p>


       echo "hello world";









Display data in web browser with echo command. Such as



<title>First Application of PHP</title>


<h3>Here Embed PHP code!</h3>


        echo "I love India.";


<p>Variable With PHP Code</p>


        $name = " I love India";

        echo " $name.";






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