How to get the List of Sorted SystemParameters in WPF using F#

Today I am discussing that how can we get the Sorted list of System Parameters. We need a GridView, ListView and TextBlock control for implementation of Sorted SytemParameters. Firstly we will define two GridView column and then we create a DataTemplate for the second Column and display the List of the SystemParameters.

You will create two GridView column by the below code block.

// Create two GridView columns.
new GridViewColumn(Header="Property Name",
                   DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Name"))
   |> grvlu.Columns.Add                   

Then you will create a DataTemplate for the second column by the below code block.

// Create DataTemplate for second column
let template = new DataTemplate(typeof<string>)
let factoryTextBlock = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof<TextBlock>) 
(TextBlock.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
   |> factoryTextBlock.SetValue
(TextBlock.TextProperty,new Binding("Value"))
  |> factoryTextBlock.SetBinding
template.VisualTree <- factoryTextBlock
new GridViewColumn(Header="Value",
                   DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Value"))
   |> grvlu.Columns.Add

Lastly You will sort the List of Parameters. The Below code is for sorting the Parameters.

srtlst = new SortedList<string,ParaSys>()
typeof<SystemParameters>.GetProperties() |> Seq.iter (fun prop ->
   if (prop.PropertyType <> typeof<ResourceKey>) then
       new ParaSys(Name=prop.Name,
                       Value = prop.GetValue(null,null)))
       |> srtlst.Add
vlst.ItemsSource <- srtlst.Values  

Steps For sorted SystemParameters

Step 1: Firstly Open a new project in F# using Visual Studio 2010. Select F# WPF application template and give name to it like below image.

New Project Dialog Box

Step 2: Now add the below define references to the project by right clicking on project in solution explorer.

  • PresentationCore

  • PresentationFramework

  • System

  • System.Xaml

  • WindowsBase

Step 3: When you will add all these refrences your Solution Explorer will look like below image.

Solution Explorer

Step 4: Now click on Program.fs file in solution explorer and write below code in Program.fs window, your window will look like below image.

SystemParameters code Part1

SystemParameters code Part1.1

open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.ComponentModel
open System.Reflection
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Data
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
type ParaSys() = class
   let mutable nStr=""
   let mutable ovl = null
    member this.Name
       with get() = nStr
       and set (value:string) = nStr <- value
    member this.Value
       with get() = ovl
       and set (value:obj) = ovl <- value
    override this.ToString() =
       this.Name + "=" + this.Value.ToString()
let grvlu = new GridView()
let vlst = new ListView(View=grvlu)
// Create two GridView columns.
new GridViewColumn(Header="Property Name",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Name"))
    |> grvlu.Columns.Add                   
// Create DataTemplate for second column
let template = new DataTemplate(typeof<string>)
let factoryTextBlock = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof<TextBlock>) 
 (TextBlock.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
    |> factoryTextBlock.SetValue
 (TextBlock.TextProperty,new Binding("Value"))
   |> factoryTextBlock.SetBinding
 template.VisualTree <- factoryTextBlock
new GridViewColumn(Header="Value",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Value"))
    |> grvlu.Columns.Add
let srtlst = new SortedList<string,ParaSys>()
 typeof<SystemParameters>.GetProperties() |> Seq.iter (fun prop ->
   if (prop.PropertyType <> typeof<ResourceKey>) then
        new ParaSys(Name=prop.Name,
                        Value = prop.GetValue(null,null)))
        |> srtlst.Add
 vlst.ItemsSource <- srtlst.Values  
let wndw = new Window(Title="Sorted List of System Parameters",
     let app =  Application() in
    app.Run(wndw) |> ignore

Step 5: Now press F5 to execute the Code.


Systemparam Output1

Systemparam Output2

Systemparam Output3


In this article I have Discussed that how to get the Sorted List of SystemParameters in WPF using F#.

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