Enable And Configure E-mail Settings For An O365 Sharepoint Online 2013 Task List

Before a list or library can receive e-mail, the site owner must enable and configure the incoming e-mail support for the list or the library.

SharePoint UI Method
  • Open the announcements list for which you want to enable and configure the incoming e-mail support.
  • Click Settings and subsequently click List Settings.
  • Under Communications, click Incoming email settings.


    The Incoming e-mail settings link is not available, if incoming e-mail support is not enabled in Central Administration.

  • In the email section, choose Yes to enable this list to receive an e-mail and then type the alias, which you want to use to send an e-mail to this list.
  • In the email attachments section, choose whether you want to archive the email attachments in this list or not.
Use PowerShell to activate the Email settings, as shown below.
  1. $site=Get-SPSite "http://gowthamr.sharepoint.com"  
  2. $web=$site.OpenWeb()  
  3. $list=$web.Lists.TryGetList("Tasks")  
  4. if($list -ne $null)  
  5. {  
  6.    $list.EnableAssignToEmail =$true  
  7.    $list.Update()  
  8. }  
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