How to Manually Back Up an Azure Web App


  • Azure account.

Now let's get started with the following steps:

Create a manual backup

Step 1: Sign in to the online Microsoft Azure Portal.

Step 2: In web app's blade, select Settings, then Backups. The Backups blade will be displayed.

Step 3: In the Backups blade, click Storage: Not configured to configure a storage account.


Step 4: In the Backups blade, click Storage: Not configured to configure a storage account.

Step 5: In the Configure Backup Settings blade, click Database Settings, then select the databases you need to include in the backups (SQL database), then click OK.


Step 6:
Next, In the Configure Backup Settings blade, click Save.

Step 7: Next, In the Backups blade, select the Backup destination. You must select an existing storage account and container.

Step 8: Finally, In the command bar of the Backups blade, click Backup Now.