Azure DevOps - Complete CI-CD Pipeline

Mukesh Kumar

DevOps is a combination of Development and Operations. It means Dev + Ops = DevOps.

  • Published on Jun 13 2019
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DevOps is a combination of Development and Operations. It means Dev + Ops = DevOps. It is a culture which automates systems and improves and accelerates delivery to the client in a repeated manner. It’s basically a collaboration between the Development team and the Operations team for serving up a better quality application. It is a culture for continuous integration and continuous delivery where we make the automated build system as well as automated deployment system. In other words, DevOps is practice collaboration between Development and Operations from the planning of a project to deployment on production. It involves the complete SDLC life cycle as well as monitoring.

Understanding DevOps, you should consider the following points as well,

  • DevOps means only combining the two teams of Development and Operations.
  • It is not a separate team.
  • It is not a product or tool.
  • DevOps people do not hire from outside, they are internal team members who are working either in the development phase or in the operations phase.

It is a group of people, processes and tools. It basically brings two or more different teams, like development and operations, together with a well-defined process, using some great tools for automatic software delivery to the client. It is also a set of practices which are used by the DevOps teams to speed up quality delivery. There are different kinds of tools or sets of tools which are used in Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) where it performs restoring the code, building the processes, executing the test cases, and deploying on the stage environment, etc. 

This ebook will guide you through these topics, point you to some best practices along the way, and provide detailed walkthroughs for you to gain hands-on experience. 
Table of Contents
  • About DevOps
  • CI/CD Pipeline
  • Why Azure DevOps
  • DevOps Project Setup
  • Create Organization and Project
  • Continuous Integration
  • Create Azure App Services
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Add Slot
  • Run and Test Azure DevOps Pipeline