Understanding Azure : A Beginner’s Guide

Gourav Jain

Understanding Azure: A Beginner’s Guide” written by Gourav Jain is an ultimate handbook for absolute beginners in the field of Microsoft Azure. The book takes you through all the basic elements of Azure learning from introduction of Azure to knowledge of Machine Learning and Cognitive Services.

  • Published on Sep 18 2017
  • Pages 131
  • Downloaded 8.3k
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"Understanding Azure: A Beginner’s Guide" written by Gourav Jain is an ultimate handbook for absolute beginners in the field of Microsoft Azure. The book takes you through all the basic elements of Azure learning from introduction of Azure to knowledge of Machine Learning and Cognitive Services.
The language is quite simple and interesting; and the use of screenshots and examples has made this book a powerful source of information. If you are a beginner and starting studying Microsoft Azure, you will find this book very helpful.
  • Getting Started with Azure
  • App-Services
  • Virtual Machines in Azure
  • SQL-Azure
  • Azure Data Lake
  • Azure Explorer and blog storage
  • Manage Azure Blob Storage
  • Understanding Document DB in Azure
  • Mobile Services
  • Understanding Connecters in Azure
  • Connected with twitter in Azure
  • Services Scheduler in Azure
  • Media Services in Azure
  • API apps in Azure
  • Machine Learning
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Cognitive Services
  • Bibliography