How To Rename SharePoint Managed Metadata Name Using PowerShell Command


In this blog, you will learn how to rename SharePoint Managed Metadata name using the PowerShell command. This PowerShell command is supported only in on-premise versions and not supported on SharePoint online - Office 365 sites. The "Rename Managed Metadata" property name option is available only on on-premise versions as of now and it is not available on Office 365 sites.


As per my experience, I will not suggest doing this because it may affect your custom applications ( that are using SharePoint Managed Metadata). So, this is only a good option when:

  1. While you need to rename and you are 100% sure that it is not affecting any custom solution.
  2. If you are in the phase of building a farm or setting up first SharePoint Managed Metadata.
Steps Involved

Please use the following PowerShell in SharePoint PowerShell window. You can run this only using run as Administrator in PowerShell window on SharePoint farm and this needs to run on Application Server.
  1. $metadataApplication = Get-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "Global Managed Metadata "  
  2. $proxy = $metadataApplication.ServiceApplicationProxyGroup.Proxies | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*Global Managemetadata*" }  
  3. $proxy.Name = "Global Managed Metadata";  
  4. $proxy.Update();  
In this script, we are replacing "Global Managemetadata" with a new name "Global Managed Metadata".


Thus, you have learned how to rename SharePoint Managed Metadata Store name using PowerShell on on-Premise SharePoint versions sites.