Read Only Property in C# Language


Read only member in a c sharp programming, It is represent a unchanging value, which like a constant value. But read only member can be initialized at run time, not a compile time . Its mean read only member are change only compile time, which is possible by constructor, and after compile you have no change the value of read only member. For example:   


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace dynamic_object_in_c_sharp


    public class key  //create class


        readonly int x = 10; //define read only member value


        public key()        //create constructor


            Console.WriteLine("Predefine Readonly Member Value     : {0}",x); //Before compile read only value

            x = 12; //change value of read only member in compile time           


        public void show()


            Console.WriteLine("\nAfter Compile Readonly member value :{0}{1}", x, "  Change");//after compile read only value





    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            key k = new key(); //create object of class key

  ;  //call to show function




