Setup and Deployment

Setup and deployment

1. Xcopy Installation

Copy all the files, folder and give it to  client.

2. Application Setup

Project - Build

File- Add New project -Other project type - Setup and deployment -setup project -name-location-ok

Application folder- Right click add-Assembly- Browse- select exe file (Bin/debug/)

Create two shortcut. By on exe
Copy one shortcut at user's desktop and other at user's program menu.
Change name of shortcut.

In solution explorer - select setup - right click - Build

Now setup is Ready
Path -windowsFormsApplication3\Setup2\Debug

To change Icon

Select shortcut - Right click -Property windows- icon -browse -add file - select icon -ok

3.Cab  file (Cabinate file) - small in size

Project - Build

File menu - Add new project - other project type - Setup and deployment - CAB project -name - location- ok

Select CAB- Right click- Add Project Output- Primary output -ok  Then Right click - Build