Related resources for System.Windows
  • System.Windows.Xps.Packaging Reference Missing10/24/2019 4:04:51 AM. If you need to use XpsDocument class in your WPF project, you must add reference to System.Windows.Xps.Packaging namespace.
  • Using Cards.dll in a Windows Control Library5/19/2012 5:47:32 AM. This project aims at designing a windows control library that encapsulates a playing card.
  • Silverlight DoubleAnimation Example12/2/2010 2:30:45 AM. In this article we will be seeing how to create Silverlight DoubleAnimation using Visual studio 2010.
  • Show Child Grid inside Grid in Silverlight9/16/2010 3:39:34 PM. This article describes you the concept of Data Grid. It shows how use a child grid inside of a Data Grid.
  • Windows Programming using C#1/5/2010 10:42:41 PM. In this article I will explain you about Windows Programming using C#.
  • Windows Forms 2.0 MaskedTextBox Control7/1/2009 8:21:44 AM. The MaskedTextBox control is a TextBox with mask feature, which allows you to set the format of the data of TextBox such as zip code, date, time, social security, and phone number.
  • Bitmap Effects using WPF8/19/2008 1:09:40 AM. This article shows how to give Bitmap Effect in WPF.
  • ColorDialog : How to use?4/4/2006 12:55:29 AM. Changing color of your Window and its controls is a piece of cake in C# using ColorDialog class.
  • Macro to Update References of all Projects in a Solution2/16/2006 1:11:17 AM. When working in enterprise development there are occasions when you have a solution file with 10 or more projects in it all using private assemblies.
  • Simple Game Developed in C#2/2/2006 6:57:37 AM. This article contains the code for a simple game developed using csharp. This game is all about arranging the shuffled numbers in ascending order.
  • Time Ticker22/2/2006 5:34:01 AM. Microsoft had made lot of Changes for Beta2, some of the changes are old Namespace such as System.WinForms modified to System.Windows.Forms. In addition no. of new Namespaces like Microsoft.CSharp, Microsoft.JScript, Microsoft.Vsa etc...
  • Adding Picture To Button On OutLook CommandBar1/7/2006 2:30:01 AM. This article describes the process to add a picture on a button on an Outlook Commandbar while using Explorer or Inspector.
  • Mask Edit Control12/30/2005 12:30:09 AM. This control is a attempt to emulate the Marked Edit control available in VB 6.0. MaskEdit control extends the TextBox System.Windows.Forms.TextBox control available in Microsoft .NET library.
  • Application Data Utility Class12/16/2005 3:57:24 AM. Attached is a ZIP file containing the source-code and compiled DLL of the "Application Data Utility Class".