Tips to write a perfect resume

How to write a perfect resume

Are you looking for a job? Your resume is the gateway to your interview. You need to make sure you get the first step right. That is your resume.

Here is a good article I just read on Yahoo finance.

One size does not fit all. You must tailor your resume to the position you are applying for and do not forget to highlight the keywords and experience that matches the position.

Other points you want to consider includes putting your name and contact number at the top, have a clear objective, detailed experience, and clean.

This article also recommends that you do not put your hobbies and references in the resume.

When I look at a resume, first think I look at is total number of experience and your last couple of jobs and experience. I also look for the school and your first job. I also check if you have taken any breaks between the projects.

Good luck!