Getting Started With Storyboards In Xamarin.IOS


Before Storyboards, you had to use XIB files and you could only use one XIB file per view (UITableViewCell, UITableView or other supported UIView types).
A Storyboard is the visual representation of all the screens in an application. It contains a sequence of scenes, with each scene representing a View Controller and its Views. These views may contain objects and controls that will allow your user to interact with your application.
Storyboard is a collection of views and controls (or subviews) known as a Content View Hierarchy. Scenes are connected by segue objects, which represent a transition between view controllers. This is normally achieved by creating a segue between an object on the initial view, and the connecting view. 
The following image shows what a storyboard looks like, and it’s similar to the storyboard you’ll build the Storyboard at the end of the article.
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 

Create New Xamarin.iOS Application

In order to learn the storyboard, let’s start creating a new Xamarin.iOS project using Visual Studio 2019 or VS for Mac. When using Visual Studio 2019 on Windows machine, you will need to pair the mac machine.
Open Visual Studio 2019 >>Create New Project or select "Open Recent Application" and the available templates will appear on Windows, like below. Select Xamarin.iOS app and click on “Next”
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 
Create an Empty iPhone/iPad Single View Storyboard Application
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 
The content of a storyboard is stored as an XML file. Storyboard files are compiled into binary files known as nibs. At runtime, these nibs are initialized and instantiated to create new views. After the selection of single view application, solutions template will generate as below.
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 

Main StoryBoard

Open Main.storyboard where you can find a single view controller. Add one more view controller and update the view controllers as shown below.
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 

View Controller Segue

Let us now connect both the view controllers. Segue is used in iOS development to represent a transition between scenes. To create a segue, hold down the Ctrl key and click-drag from one scene to another. As we drag our mouse, a blue connector appears and select as Show/Push as in the image below.
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 

Change View Properties

Add Controls into the view controller and Select the properties. Change the styles as per your needs.
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 
When we run the application in an iPhone device, we'll get the following output and click on the button, it will navigate to a new screen.
Storyboards in Xamarin.IOS 


This article has demonstrated how to create an iOS Storyboard using Xamairn iOS. I hope this article will help you. Please leave your feedback/query using the comments box, and if you like this article, please share it with your friends.

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