Paras Babbar
Check whether the given array is in zig-zag pattern?

You’re given an array say for example arr = [0,1,-1,2,1,5]; Write a logic to determine whether the given array is in zig-zag pattern or not.
Array starts with 0
Then goes upward (U) direction 1
Then goes downward (D) direction -1
Then goes upward (U) direction 2
Then goes downard (D) direction 1
Then goes upward (U) direction 5

Here pattern is U -> D -> U -> D -> U, so it is in Zig-Zag pattern.

Example 2: Consider array arr = [0,1,-1,2,3,1]
Array Starts with 0
Then goes upward (U) direction 1
Then goes downward (D) direction -1
Then goes upward (U) direction 2
Then goes upward (U) direction 3
Then goes downard (D) direction 1

Here pattern is U -> D -> U -> U -> D, so it is NOT Zig-Zag pattern as we have got two updward direction together.
Same would be the case if we have two same direction together.

You can code in language of your choice.

By Paras Babbar in JavaScript on Nov 03 2019

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