Vipin Mittal
Difference between table variable and temp table
By Vipin Mittal in .NET on Jan 22 2018
  • Vipin Mittal
    Jan, 2018 22

    table variables declare like a variable table variables columns can not have Non-Clustered Indexes we can not create constraints in table variables we can not create default values on table variable columnstemporary tables are created in tempdb Clustered indexes can be created on both are tables table variables and temporary tables are logged in the transaction log users can perform all Data Modification Language (DML) queries against a table variables and temporary tables : SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

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  • Ravi Prakash
    Jun, 2018 12

    table variable is object like temporary table, temp table is like a table but it's not a permanently saved in database, temp table deleted when no longer use.

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