Sumit Kumar Sinha
Explain assert() method in c#
By Sumit Kumar Sinha in C# on Oct 13 2012
  • Suresh Akula
    Jan, 2015 27

    Assert sends a strong message to the developer. An assertion interrupts normal operation of the program but does not terminate the application. The Debug.Assert method in the System.Diagnostics class provides a way to implement this functionality quickly.ExampleWe explore the Debug.Assert method in the C# language. Use Assert to catch a condition that shouldn't occur and would be a bug if it did. This is not an exception, as it will never occur in finished code. Debug calls are compiled out when in Release mode. Exceptions are always kept in the code.Program that uses Assert method [C#]using System; using System.Diagnostics;static class Program { static void Main() { int value = -1; // A. // If value is ever -1, then a dialog will be shown. Debug.Assert(value != -1, "Value must never be -1.");// B. // If you want to only write a line, use WriteLineIf. Debug.WriteLineIf(value == -1, "Value is -1."); } }Result A. The dialog is displayed. B. Message is written to the Output: Value is -1.

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