Primal Lobo
Explain the folders that are created during creation of new SPFx project

Which are the folders that will be default created whenever the new SPFx project is created

By Primal Lobo in SharePoint on Dec 28 2021
  • Suhasini Suresh
    Nov, 2022 15

    SPFx - File Structure1. .vscode folder -> Contain the debugging and task configurationextensions.jsonlaunch.jsonsettings.json 2. Config Folder - Contains JSON files that defines the configuration of SPFx solutionconfig.jsoncopy-assets.jsondeploy-azure-storage.jsonpackage-solution.jsonserve.jsonwrite-mainfests.json 3. Node_module => contains javascript modules dependencies 4. src Folderloc - interface and languate localizationwebpart.manifest.json - configuration related to webpartwebpart.modlule.scss - css for your webpartwebpart.ts - The entry point for the webpartcomponenents folder 5. .gitignore: 6. .yo-rc.json 7. gulpfile.js 8. package-lock.json 9. package.josn ->this file holds various metadata relevant to the project 10. tsconfig.json -> file in a directory indicates that the directory is the root of a TypeScript project.s 11. tslint.json -> tslint checks TypeScript code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors

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