Rohit Gupta
What are the different types of filters in Power BI Reports?
By Rohit Gupta in Power BI on Jun 17 2020
  • Pranam Bhat
    May, 2021 22

    There are three levels of filters in Power BI: report, page, and visual.Report-level filters are those that affect all of the data in the report, regardless of what you're looking at. Think of them as universal filters.Page-level filters only filter the data on a given page, which makes them useful for creating pages that focus on particular subsets of your data. For example, you can use page-level filters to make one page focus solely on revenue data, while the next page focuses on expense data. Page-level filters operate within the context of the report-level filters, which means that a page-level filter cannot override a report-level filter. They also cannot be programmed to filter the data on other pages.Visual-level filters only filter the data on a given visual, whether that's a table, chart, card, slicer, etc. These are the most granular filters you can apply to your data, and they operate within the context of both the page-level and report-level filters, which means visual-level filters cannot override them, nor can they be programmed to filter data on other visuals.

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